Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/100

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Hooker Jim, Meacham's two coats and vest, also his horse. Bogus Charley secured Mr. Dyar's white horse. Boncho got Tobey's horse. He was trying to mount when Tobey saw him. He was cursing the saddle because it had horns. The saddle was a ladies' side saddle. Boncho had just got on the horse 2nd was working with the halter rope. Tobey rushed up to him, caught his coat, and pulled him off and threw him to the ground, saying: "Boncho, you shall not take my ani- mal." Boncho jumped to his feet, picked his gun up from where it had fallen, swung it around his head and struck Tobey between thi shoulders. The blow knocked Tobey down on her face. He said : "You white man's sister, I'll leave you among your dead brothers if you bother me again." He turned to see about the horse again. Tobey staggered to her feet; she grasped a rock and dealt Boncho a blow in the back with the rock. Boncho fell to his knees. Tobey said : "You cowaid. you cannot fight your equal. You will not take my animal; kill me first." Boncho turned with his gun to his shoulder, saying: "I will kill you." "No, you won't," he heard some cue say, right by his ear. At the same time a heavy hand fell on his arm. Boncho turned his head; he saw a pistol pointed in his face, in the hand of Capt. Jack. "Bon- cho," Jack said, "if it was not for the good you will do in our war against the whites, I would blow your head off and eave you right here to rot, you coward. What do you mean by striking that woman? If you ever say another word to her I will kill you now. Take that rope and hand it to Tobey." Boncho obeyed without saying a word. He immediately hiked for the Modoc camp. The Indians all walked up to Tobey to bid her, as they said, their last farewell. Capt. Jack said: "Tobey, I have thrown myself and life away today. I did something today that I thought I would never do, but I have done it. I killed an unarmed man. I know I will be killed, but when I fall there will be soldiers under me. Tell Gillem, if he wants to find me, to come right over yonder," pointing in the direction of his cave. "Tell him not to go way off in the mountains to look for me. He won't find me in the mountains. I will be in my camp with my people. Tell