Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/88

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to see you, we will ask him to come here. I don't want you to go."

Tobey said: 'Til go; I'm not afraid to go, Meacham. I am willing to do most anything to bring around peace; I am going."

Meacham, handing Tobey a derringer : "Here, take this along, you may need it, but I had rather for you not to go."

The Peace Commissioners' tent, near where they were killed. Photo by Muybridge, 1873.

Just then the Rev. Thomas walked in and said, "Hello, friends, getting ready for council?" Riddle looked Thomas in the eyes and said, "Thomas, you lied like a yellow dog last night when you promised my wife that you would not say anything about what she was to tell. Jack has sent for her. You are the cause of it. I tell you this, Rev., if my wife a