Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/87

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"Good morning." He put his hands on each Indian's shoulder and said, "Why do you Indians want to kill us? Don't you know we are your friends ?" Bogus Charley says, "Who said we wanted to kill you, or \vas going to kill you?" Thomas said : "Riddle's squaw, Tobey." Bogus said she lied if she said that. Thomas said, "I thought she lied, Charley, that is why I ask you." Boston Charley turned back right from the spot for Capt. Jack's stronghold, to tell the chief that Tobey had betrayed them. Bogus Charley and the Rev. Dr. Thomas walked arm in arm to Col. Meacham's tent. Both entered Meacham's tent. Canby, Fairchilds, Dyar, Riddle and wife also went to Meacham's tent. Bogus Charley was very friendly with all. He nor Thomas said a word about their first talk, a few minutes before. Bogus was saying that he had no doubts but what they w r ould be able to come to some terms that after- noon. He said he and all the people was very tired of the life they were leading. "We want to make peace right away." While Bogus was thus holding the attention of the Commis- sioners, Hooker Jim stepped in and said, "Tobey, Capt. Jack wants to see you at his cave. He sent word to you men"- looking at Meacham and Canby "that he was unable to meet you in council this afternoon as he promised yesterday." Tobey said, "All right, I will go and get ready." She stepped out, followed by Riddle, Meacham and Hooker Jim.

Meacham asked Hooker Jim what Jack wanted with Tobey. Jim said: "He wants Tobey to tell him why she lied." "Who said she lied, and what about?" inquires Meacham. "'You know, old man Meacham, she told you we was going to kill you men next time we met in council." "Who said she told us that?" "Who? did you say, Meacham? Why, that man you call God's man, Thomas. You know him, Meacham, Preacher Thomas." Tobey was just in the act to mount her horse when Meacham walked up to her saying, "W^ait a mo- ment, I want to speak to you, and your husband, before you go. Come to my tent and come in." Riddle and wife went in with him.

Meacham told Tobey that Thomas had told on her. "It is dangerous for you to answer Jack's summons. If Jack wants