Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/188

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Q. "Who talked?"

A. "Most of the Indians. The two chiefs were talking/

Q. "What two chiefs?"

A. "Capt. Jack and Schonchin."

Q. "Did you hear them state they meant to kill them?"

A. "I didn't hear them say that they were going to kill them."

Q. "What did you hear them say?"

A. "I heard them talking about killing the Commission- ers. That's all I heard them say. I didn't hear them say who was going to do it."

Q. "How long before the meeting of the Peace Commis- sioners when General Canby was killed was this talk?"

A. "I have forgotten. I do not want to lie. I have for gotten how many days it was."

Q. "What Indians were at that meeting of April nth, when General Canby was shot ?"

A. "Schonchin, Capt. Jack, Ellens Man, now dead; I was there, Black Jim, Boston Charley, Bogus Charley and Hooker Jim. There were eight."

Steamboat Frank, a Modoc witness for the prosecution, was next sworn, duly warned against the consequences of perjury.

Q. BY JUDGE ADVOCATE : "What is your name ?"

A. "I am called Steamboat Frank."

Q. "Were you present at the death of General Canby?"

A. "Yes."

Q. "How did you get there ?"

A. "I was about as far as' from here to the stable, about four hundred yards when the firing commenced."

Q. "Whom, if anyone, were you with there?"

A. "With Scarface Charley."

The Judge Advocate now called Bogus Charley as witnes^ for the prosecution. He was cautioned against perjury. Pie testified as follows :

Q. BY JUDGE ADVOCATE : "What is your name as commonly called?"

A. "Bogus