Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/187

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A. "Capt. Jack."

Q. "Who is the next one this way?"

A. "John Schonchin."

O. "And this one?"

A. "Boston, sometimes called Boston Charley."

Q. BY THE COMMISSION: "I understand you to say Superintendent Meacham got those Modocs back into the reservation once or twice before?"

A. "Once before."

Q. "With or without the assistance of the military?"

A. "He had a few soldiers. I only know this from the records in the office."

The foregoing questions and answers were all duly inter- preted to the prisoners. The Commission then adjourned for the day to meet on the next day.


Shaknasty Jim, a Modoc Indian, a witness for the prosecu- tion, having been first cautioned by the Judge Advocate of the punishment of false swearing, was then duly sworn.

Q. BY JUDGE ADVOCATE : "What is your name?"

A. "Shaknasty Jim."

Q. "Do you remember when General Canby was killed?"

A. "Yes, I know/'

Q. "What part did you take in the affair?"

A. "I was running and shooting at my friend Riddle."

Q. "Did you try to hit him when you were shooting at him?"

A. "I did my best."

Q. "You were present when Canby was killed then?"

A. "Yes."

Q. "Did you know that Canby and the other Commis- sioners were to be killed?"

A. "Yes."

Q. "How did you know it?"

A. "The Indians had a talk about it one night."

Q. "When was this talk; how long before?"

A. "The night b