Page:The Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons - 1854.djvu/52

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seph, the stranger led her away into the parlour, she crying and begging no harm might happen to Joseph. He quieted her fears on that head, and then asked if Albert was in the house. "No, indeed, Sir, (answered she;) he went away four days ago, in a chaise with the young lady." "Ah! (cried he) that is the very thing I wished to know; and where are they gone, my friend?" "Alack, Sir, I believe they be gone to Parish, or some place like that." "The devil! (exclaimed he) to Paris. Well, and are they to return here?" "O, no, Sir, (returned Bertha;) no such good luck to us, for to be sure she was as generous as an empress."

He then returned to the kitchen, where Joseph sat very sullen; "I tell you what, friend, I believe you may be innocent; but the lady you have had here is my niece, who has eloped from my care, and seduced my servant to steal the horse you rode to-day, and go off with her; I am now in search of her, and if I can find her, and she will return, I shall receive her with kindness and joy, and forgive every thing; therefore, if you can tell me where she is, you will do her a great piece of service, I assure you; some wicked person has persuaded her to run away." "Sir, (said Joseph, firmly) I heard the lady say she was going to travel,—it was not my business to be impertinent and ask questions." "But you know where she is." "I do not, Sir, (answered he) I cannot tell where she is, nor the places she is going to travel through." "You know she is gone to Paris? "Yes, Sir; but I heard her say she should not stay there, but travel further and this is all I know. As to the horse, if you can prove it yours, give me a receipt, and you may take it." "No, my friend, (replied the gentleman), keep it for your use, but if you should ever hear from or see Albert or the lady, and will let me know, I will give you a hundred crowns." "O; the goodness (cried Bertha) bless your honour, you shall surely know." "What say you," (said he, turning to Jo-