Page:The Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons - 1854.djvu/51

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seph, if any thing new occurred at the castle, and receiving advice from him how to manage at the post-houses about carriages and horses.

A few days after her departure, Joseph went to the neighbouring town, to procure a few necessaries, and proud of his present, went upon the horse, instead of his old friend the ass. Whilst he was there, a gentleman came up to him, and viewing the beast very attentively, asked him if the horse was his. Joseph answered in the affirmative. "Will you sell it?" demanded he. "No, Sir, (replied the other) I cannot sell it." "How long have you had it?" "Some time," said Joseph, roughly, and rode off, not liking the stranger's curiosity. He was however followed at a distance, and had scarcely put the horse into the stable, and entered the kitchen, before a knocking at the door was heard, and Joseph saw the same gentleman who was so inquisitive, with another, who had the appearance of a servant, enter the room. "Do not be alarmed, (said the stranger) I want to ask you a few questions, which, if you answer truly, no harm shall happen to you, else you must look to the consequence; tell me from whom you had the horse I saw you ride, and how long it has been in your possession. At your peril answer me with truth." Before Joseph could recollect himself to answer this demand Bertha fell on her kness, "O, Sir, do not hurt my poor husband and I will tell you all." "Be quiet wife, (said Joseph) I will answer for myself. I had the horse from a man, a friend of mine." "What was his name?" "Sir, I humbly think that is no concern of yours." "Villain! (cried the gentleman) tell me this instant, or I will send you and your wife to prison, for the horse was stolen from me." "O, the Lord be gracious unto us, (exclaimed Bertha) the man's name was Albert, Sir, we are innocent, indeed we are." "I believe it, (said the other, very mildly;) you look like an honest woman, and I will reward you handsomely, if you speak truth. William take care of the man, I will go into another room with this good woman." "Bertha!" cried Jo-