Page:Savage Island.djvu/276

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Crime and its punishment, 103 et seq.
Crook, Mr., 75
Cruise of H.M.S. "Fawn," The, 80 (footnote)
Custom, a unique, 92

Dance, a native, 119, 120
Disease, native fear of, 75, 76; introduced by whalers, 78
Diseases of the natives, 133 et seq.
"Dongai," 100
Duel, a mimic, 121
Duff, the, 75, 105
Dunedin, the Bishop of, 162

Earth, tradition of the peopling of the, 84
Eaves-dropping, 208
Elephantiasis, cases of, 176
English, Mr., 131
Entertainment, a native, 117 et seq.
Erskine, Captain, visit of, to Niué, 77
European merchants, 209
Evil spirits, belief in, 99

Fakafolau, the practice of, 102
Falcon Island, 183
Fao, 86, 87
Fataaki, King, 2, 3, 35, 36 (footnote)
Fatafehi, 157, 168, 171, 182, 189, 214, 216
— family, death portent of, 197
Favourite, H.M.S., 194, 195
Fawn, H.M.S., 80
Feletoa, fortress, 191, 193
Fiji, 94, 100; the Mathuata province in, 95; medical officers in, 98; warriors of, 131; concubitancy in, 135; land tenure in, 138
Fijian architecture, 16, 17
Finau, George, 185, 190, 191
— Ulukalala, 189, 191-3
Flies, swarms of, 140
Flood, Mr., 50; his store, 55
Fono, the, 37, 111, 112
Fornander, 91
French missionaries, the influence of, 218
Fujipala, 182
Futuna, 21, 22

Galiaga, King, 36 (footnote)
George Tubou I., King, 144, 158, 216
George Tubou II., King, 158
German plantations in Samoa, 3, 81
Germans in Tonga, the, 153, 172, 173
Gilbert Islands, 90
Gill, Mr., 90
Godefroy and Sons, 57
Goodenough, Commodore, 35
Graves. See Burial customs
Grey, Sir George, 84
Grice Sumner, Messrs., 81

Haapai, 212; population of, 179 (footnote)
Hakupu, the headman of, 133
Havannah, H.M.S., 77