Page:Savage Island.djvu/275

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Abduction, 108
Adultery, the punishment for, 105
Aitutaki, 90
—teachers, 73
Alofi, 63, 69, 82, 93, 113, 115, 147; arrival at, 6, 10; the cottages of, 14; church of, 18, 35; a council at, 23 et seq.; types of physiognomy at, 88
Amosa, the Samoan teacher, 77
Apia, 4
Architecture, native, 16-18
Asibeli Kubu, 160
Ata, 201, 202
—family, the, death portent of, 197, 201
Atatá, the islet of, 152
Avatele, 72, 77, 147 ; the people of, 89, 90; the headman of, 122
Aylen, Captain, 190, 191

Baker, Shirley Waldemar, 160 et seq., 167, 168, 175, 181, 183, 200, 216
Bea, 194, 195
Beauty, the Tongan ideal of, 203
Bell, Mr., 67
Blue-jackets, the political influence wielded by, 124
"Broom Road," the, 106
Bubonic plague, 114
Burial customs, 50, 51

Calliope, H.M.S., 190
Camden, the, 75
Camping and Tramping in Malaya, H. Rathbone's, 100 (footnote)
Cannibalism, 102
Catacombs, ancient, 51
Cator, Captain, 80
Celt, a curious stone, 216
Chincha Islands, the, 81
Circumcision, the practice of, 92
Cloudy Bay, a native fight in, 131
Cook, Captain, 127, 130; landing of, in Niué, 69, 70; a relic of, 150, 205; native traditions of his visit to Tonga, 206
Cook's Voyages, 220
Copra, trade in, 56 et seq.; manufacture of, 58, 61; price of, 61; use of, 62
Crawshaw, Captain, 211
Crime, an unknown, 113