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Benedict £u$t'$ naturopathic Institute, 124 6, 5«l)$t., n< V. NO MEDICINES NOR OPERATIONS Radical Cures By the Latest Natural Healing methods SUnnER BRANCH Just and Kneipp Naturopathic Sanitarium "Jungborn" BELLEVUE, BUTLER, N. J. BENEDICT LUST, Naturopathic Physician, EDITOR OF THE NATUROPATH AND HERALD OF HEALTH PRINCIPAL OF NATUROPATHIC SCHOOL OF REGENERATION Here will be found all the latest improvements of the Modern Healing Art. The bathrooms are large and airy, and are furnished according to our own system with every comfort. In this Institute will be admitted all Invalids, Reconvalescents and Sufferers from Chronic Diseases of the Nervous System, Diseases of the Breathing Organs, Diseases of the Digestive Organs, Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver and Heart, Diseases of the Genital Organs, All Children's Diseases, Female Diseases, etc., etc. Mrs. B. Lust, a graduated Naturopathic Physician, has been a specialist for five years treating all Female Diseases. She treats all cases without operations or vaginal rings, and has always had the best success in treating Female Disorders. The Healing Treatment consists of Just's and Kneipp's Methods, Dietetics, Massage and Physical treatment. Special healing factors are: Just System, Kneipp-Cure, Hydro- thermo-therapy, Massage, German and Swedish Healing Gymnastic Movements, Light, Air and Sun-Baths, Diet, Suggestion, Psycho- therapy, etc. The physicians of the Institute are Naturopathic Physician B. Lust and another medical practitioner. Consultation hours daily from 9 — 11 a. m. and from 5 — 8 p.m.; Sundays, 9 — 12 a. m, Institute is open from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. daily; Sundays, 7 a. m. to 1 p. m. Outside patients treated and visited. Write for prospectus, BENEDICT LUST, Naturopathic Physician, 124 East 59th Street, New York City, or Butler, N. J.