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Hsn't it IReasonable to Suppose that the only Health Magazine in America authorized to publish "Return to Nature" in serial form would be best qualified to expound, prescribe and illustrate the Just Cure? The name of the Magazine is '"Naturopath," and it might almost be called a monthly supplement to this bcok. The editor of "Naturopath" writes, speaks and acts from experi- ence only. Having conquered chronic invalidism in his own person through the teachings of Kneipp, Rikli, Kuhne, Priessnitz, Lahman, Just, and the other German Naturists, he returned to America ex- pressly commissioned to represent these systems in their true light to all America. The testimony of personal proof is what stamps this Magazine with an underscored efficiency — we know because we have tried. Other Health journals present with due propriety a few timid truths that doubtless comfort feeble souls. "Naturopath" tells the exact truth, so far as known, and puts ?nough energy, cheer and inspiration in the telling to animate you for action. We honestly believe we love folks — as well as cherishing a pet r heory. Every issue of "Naturopath" contains one or more articles on ap- plied Nature-Cure by leading German authorities, contributions em- jodying New Thought teachings by American psychologists, sug- gestions for Simpler Living and Healthy Homes, Helps for Mothers <nd Children, Hints on Diet, Physical Culture Department, Book Re- views, Quotations from current Progress literature, and Advice for lome-Cure. Naturopathic prescription free to all regular subscribers. See special clubbing offer for reduced rate on various Naturist and New Thought publications. If you are just simply curious, you may perhaps feel like risking 10 cents on a sample copy of "Naturopath." But if you are genuinely interested in Truth, Health and Progress, you would prefer a three months' subscription for 20 cents. It takes at least three numbers for you to begin to comprehend the breadth of our horizon. The only sure way of not forgetting it is to hie you post-haste to your writing-desk and mail the order while the desire is warm. Published Monthly. Subscription $1.00 a year in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Foreign countries $1.50. German or English Editions. Back volumes, English, from 1900 F., $1.00; bound, $1.50. Back volumes, German, from 1898 F., $1.00; bound, $1.50. " NATUROPATH " 124 East 59th Street, NEW YORK CITY, U. S. A. Benedict Lust, Editor and Publisher.