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Naturopathic Sanitarium "Jungborn." BENEDICT LUST, Director & Proprietor POST OFFICE : BUXLER, N. J RAILROAD STATION: BUTTER, N. J Teleg. Address: LUST, BUTLER, N. J. Tel. Connection For country- messengers an additional fee of 25 cents is to be prepaid at the Telegraph Office. Butler is a station on the New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad. THE JUNGBORN was founded in 1896. ' AMERICAN Mof j$er Inditufo OF THE NEW AND TRUE Nature Cure. AN IDEAL PLACE Near Echo, Greenwood and Pompton Lakes, in the most beautiful parts of the Ramapo Mountains, the Highlands of New Jersey. Greater ana Quicker Successes Than by any of the preceding Nature Cure Methods. NEW PICTURESQUE PARKS, SPLENDID SPRINGS, GRAND CASCADES. Large Reconstructions Property more than fifty acres in circumference, enlarged and improved. At the entrance of the lovely and well protected Grace Valley. Greatly enlarged in 1898 and 1904. Most romantically situated on the top of a hill, about 15 minutes walk from the depot, "Jung-born" comprises a large area of woodland, laid out with shady walks along two picturesque brooks of clear water, known as Grace Valley Brook, and Regeneration Brook, and with its beauty-spots in the shape of quiet nooks, sheltered from the sun, its numerous springs along the hillside, its grand view into the Ramapo Mountains, is an ideal resort for lovers of nature.