Page:Return to Nature!.djvu/11

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— vii —


IN translating the present work I had in mind that large number of the English speaking people of the world who are to-day suffering under the lash of medical superstition, quackery and charlatanism; men and women and children who for want of proper education and understanding are groping about in darkness, and are constantly being imposed upon by human vipers who live and thrive upon the suffering and ignorance of their less fortunate fellowmen. "Return to Nature" was written by a man humanely inclined, and with a heart for the lowly as well as for all men who work towards the betterment of Humanity. May this volume be the means of spreading and propagating, health, peace and happiness, hope, faith and enlightenment in the thousand homes. It was in this spirit I undertook its translation and with this wish I respectfully dedicate it to the English-speaking people of America, and throughout the world.

The Translator..