Page:Poems McDonald.djvu/197

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the maiden to her mirror.
It will be our parting, oh, mirror bright!
Our last fond parting then;
And as years roll o'er us, it yet may be
We shall never meet again.

For my home, it must now be far away
O'er the waves of the bright blue sea;
But oh! will the vales of that verdant land
E'er seem as my own to me?
The love of a trusting heart I know
Can make each spot seem fair;
But shall I not sigh for the loving smiles,
And the sweet home-voices there?

My mother's eye, will it come to bless
Her child with its tender gleams?
Shall I yearn for my sister's gentle words,
Yet hear them alone in dreams?
.Shall my father's blessing, my brother's tone,
No longer greet mine ear?
And is love so deep in my heart for him,
I can part with the loved ones here?