Page:Poems McDonald.djvu/196

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the maiden to her mirror.
And thou wert the first, long years ago,
In my childhood's laughing hour,
To whisper a thought of beauty bright,
Though I guessed not of its power:
But one hath knelt at that beauty's shrine,
And proffered a noble heart;
And the word is spoken in holy faith,
From which we may never part.

And to-morrow—then kind hands will deck
My form for the altar's side;
And with murmured wishes of health and joy,
They will hail me, a happy bride.
Wilt thou give me back as bright a cheek
As leans to thy surface now?
Will thy shining bosom, old mirror, speak
Of a pale but lovely brow?

Will thou say beneath my bridal veil,
Half hid by their swelling tears,
Mine eyes beam forth with the liquid light
Of my girlhood's happy years?