Page:Poems Kimball.djvu/83

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Dear Mother of the Lord's own choice,
He comes in whom thou dost "rejoice,"—
Thy Saviour and thy God, to be
Rocked as thy Babe upon thy knee.

O Mary, Maid of Nazareth,
Not only hath Elizabeth
Proclaimed thee "blessed;" from that day
"All generations" "blessed" say.

Yea, blessed as the instrument
Of the Almighty's vast intent;
And blessed in the purity
Wherewith His grace invested thee;

Blessed in meek obedience
That bowed to His omnipotence;
Blessed in thy surrendered will;
In perfect faith more blessed still;

Blessed in thy humility
That cast all earthly honors by—
The lofty pride of David's line—
To worship at thy Saviour's shrine.

Blessed of all His creatures thou
Whom with such grace He did endow
That all thy earthly life was spent
Like one unbroken sacrament.