Page:Poems Kimball.djvu/82

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(MARCH 25th)

OMARY, Maid of Nazareth,
Who hearest with suspended breath
The message mighty Gabriel
Brings to thy lowly virgin cell;

In silence and in solitude
Where saint nor seraph dare intrude,
Thou, truest handmaid of the Lord,
Dost hearken and receive the Word.

Then swiftly, but with awe-winged feet,
Thou goest forth from thy retreat
To her whose salutation still
Thrills Hebron's vale from hill to hill.

There first thy wonder turns to song
That all the ages shall prolong
Beyond the untold bounds of time,
In its humility sublime.

With God's supremest favor crowned,
Pursuing still thy daily round
Of simple duties simply done,
Thou dost await the promised Son.