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PracHail Handbooks. — Guides to Gardening {ceniinued) . Rose Budding: OoDtnliiliic full Ingtmotloiu tor ttis nuoeiifDl pvrfonune* ol tUt InMnftlDC opentlon. ninnnUed. BiD.T.fuH. In pkper, pTlofi Ad. ; by rOBt» Td. IX. Greenhouse Management for Amateurs: I GruiibQaMB ftud Traae^ with Initmotloiu tor BofUUnf -_, , .je v&rlona Metbodi of Hsitliif i Uttfl of th4 mcwt Bnlt^«  IflaiHA, wlEh feoeiihl and upeoifa cnltura] dliwitloiu: ^d hJI DeoesBarr Informaticn for the Guldtncs ol the Aawteor. nioBtratsd. Bj W. J. Hit. Aa£lior oT "'nUa Gardfmlnf," "Vln« Cnltnre Tor Anvlfian," ito. In cloth gUt, pili» i>. 6d.i br iMt, 3h. »d. X Arboriculture for Amateurs: - ■ • ■ "- '■ 9 Plmntlni uid Onllivatloii -* " ' ih(iil,[iiii»li.Sd.,byi>ott Bi.Sd. Cucumber Culture for Amateurs : IiiiilDdiaE>l>oMslDDH,Tee«uUaKarTDwB,uida<]iiidi. BfW.J.Kii. niubitad. ta paper, prloeu.: b; port, UnOuimm. SPORTS AND PASTIMES. Bieyelist's Pocket Book and Diary {Annual) ; for Befannoe and BaalnTatlon. Foil of faoU and tonni of Istsmt to BlSTClIltl. Filoe, loan, ■•. ed. t poiitace, Id. n. Bieyeles of the Year (Annual) 1880 : Balnf a CbronlDto of tbe Hnv Invantloiu and ImproTBiuantfl for the preaAnt « .. . . — .. w, — - .^ . _- ^,.. ..• MiuJaotaTe of Practical Fisherman : DeallDi with tha )>annJ Hiitorr, (ha Lelandair Lora, ud tli* Oaptara of BrilidirnahirataTFldi. B«anUfnllT UlaMUal«d. In paiti,ln(B|W,i>ilos«d.aaohi bTiiait.etd. IV. Country Pocket Book and Diary {1880) : For Raferanoe and BectiCratlDB. Fall of tasta uu! tonu of tha matwt Tabu and InlcTHt lo Oonatry OnuldBwa and apartaman. OontentH: Ululaa and biionnatloD on Shootiiyr, FUhlnc, Hnntlaf; Athlatioa, Football, Blojollns, Ooonlnc. Basbif, Don, PodMtj Eihlbltloni jBowInc, Swinunlnf. MntigrolBT. OTlakgt,FarllaBi*nterT Puaia, ko^ *o.,wlthFookMi,Faiuill,fto.,o»i^Ma. Frloaai In nuiU laaehar,1!irad.i mon»so,ta. «d.i rDao,aru.i voMata. Id,