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PnetietU SatuHooM, PuMithed at 170, Sttxind, W.C. PRACTICAL GUIDES TO GARDENING. The Hardy Fruit Book: Coiulattef tk ft B«l«ft of KiliHutlTB Trt a ri a» on Tiriou Hudv Fnlti frown ._.v, .- ... — --■"---T,thBino«td«d«blBSoiti,«iiathBl>MtltBB>ofl» DfOnlt tha'ApolaT Phuiwto. . „ . BlKOCT.thl OnlUntton of auh. mmtnted. 1, .. .. . - — ' "— "^■I'niltT»e«,'*"Bnlh« Hid Bulb Osltnn," *oJ T Au, Pwh and KscMilna. Vol. IL wUl fauln^ tli Tol.L,liicIotIi(U(,prioelL| bTpaM,Ig.M. HMKlMbaluid In iMtUu follow: TH« APPLE. bp^MTiWlMU.: liTliort.I>.ld. THS FEAS. IB fwer, nloe ijrM. i bs pott, li. Td. TBI FBAOH uid HBCTABIHK. Is naui. piloa U. U. ; b* Boat, U. 7d TBB APUOOT. In ima, piloe la., bj post &. Id. n. Orchids for Amateurs: Rose Growing for Amateurs Bainf Pnctlofcl Ukatmotloiu fotUts micccaafii BalncPnctlotl fiiatrmitlaiu fortlie uncctaafal Onltiin ol Beisi, vtCh ulwtkai tf tat boat TaziaUaa ad^Cod to tba leqnlifliiwDta of tbo Amateur In Town or OonnOT. Bj W. D. Paion. In f9tr,pifBe la.fld.i bj poat, la. Bd. IV. Bulbs and Bulb Culture: Btfnc DeaorlpUona, botb blatorioal and baCaolial, o( tba priniilpal Bolbi iBfl BDlboaa Plaota nown In (bia oonntiT, and tbalr oblaf YaiiKiga i witb tBll aBd naotloal InatniouoDB For tbelr audCAkafal OnlllTatlon, botb In and out of won* mnatiatad. BjD.T.Fibh. Vol. L. In ilotb (Ub prioa h. Sd. I bi pod, M. to. Mav atw b« bad In parte a> tollow ; Part I.-fl MOwpBQPS, BDLBOCODnjlTB, STBBK- 1 UUtGUS,^OCI76,COUIHI(jnMS,TCUP8,aod I Inpapar.prioelhaaobi BTAOINmfi. r to poat la. Id. Part II.-^AHEiromS, KABOlSBrs. LILIEB. i Vine Culture for Amateurs Beln( Plain I}lr«tloiia lor tlia anooBHfnl n upUanoe* nanally (AntbCPT -■ " " IT, prioa U. i bi poa(.U. Id. Pruning, Grafting, and Budding Fruit Trees: niutcated wflb dncR-tbiea Dianua. B> D. T. Fun. In PHWi. prln liL, bj povt» la. id. vn. Villa Gardening: of Sma&^^fdenat w*^ IMa of ^w! Sbnb^ anil Flanti moM ^StSTuS tUttasn Daatona for tniaO laidsiu. Bi W. J. ICit. Obeav tdltlon. In paper, pclee Ii. ; bj poat. It. ld.1