Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1851

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Goulash or Gulash. A Hungarian dish. Finely sliced beef or veal stew, highly seasoned with paprika (a kind of mild capsicum pepper).

Gourmand (Fr.). An epicure; a ravenous eater; a glutton.

Gourmet (Fr.). A judge of good living; one who values and enjoys good eating; connoisseur in wine.

Goût (Fr.). Taste or savour. Relish, to perceive by the tongue; the sense of tasting; an intellectual relish.

Goûter (Fr.). An afternoon meal; a meat tea. To taste, to relish.

Gramolata (It.) A kind of half-frozen lemon. Water-ice served in glasses.

Gras (au) (Fr.). Dressed with rich meat gravy.

Gratin (au) (Fr.). A term applied to certain dishes prepared with sauce, garnish and breadcrumbs, and baked brown in the oven or under a salamander; served in the dish on which baked.

Gratiner (Fr.). To brown the surface of contents of a dish.

Grenadine (Fr.). Small fillets of veal or fowl larded and braised.

Griotte (Fr.). A dark-red cherry, called Armenian cherry, suitable for compote and jam.

Groseilles (Fr.). Gooseberries or currants.

Guinée pepper (Eng.). Poivre de guinée (Fr.). A kind of cayenne, prepared from the seeds of the ripe chilli or capsicum annum. Also called chilli pepper. Large quantities of this aromatic plant are grown in Cayenne, in South America. The name of Guinée pepper is also given to the ground seeds of dried fruit of certain plants of the same kind as capsicums, all of which are of a pungent character, and are products of West Africa.

Guisado (Sp.). A Spanish dish, mostly prepared with meat and potatoes stewed together.

Gumbo. The American term for okra soup, or other preparations from okra, gumbo being the name by which okra is chiefly known in South America. Chicken gumbo is a purée or soup made from okra and chicken.

Hache (Fr.). Minced meat, finely sliced meat.

Hacher-menu (Fr.). To mince meat finely.

Haggis. A kind of liver sausage (Scotch dish), from "Hag." to chop, or "Hachis," to mince. The modern haggis consists of the liver, lights and the heart of a sheep finely chopped, mixed with oatmeal and suet, and seasoning. This is inserted in a sheep's paunch and boiled for several hours. Robert Burns greatly esteemed this dish, which was, it is said, a favourite dish of the Romans.

Halaszle. A Hungarian fish stew.

Haricots panachés (Fr.). French beans or string beans mixed with flageolets (green kidney beans).

Hâtelet (Fr.). A small silver skewer garnished with cut roots, truffles, mushrooms, aspic, cocks' combs, etc., used for ornamenting fish and remove dishes.

Hâtereau (Fr.). A dish of sliced liver; a ragoût popular in Bretagne.

Hautboy (Eng.). A species of strawberry.

Hautgoût (Fr.). Good taste. High flavour or strong seasoning.

Hollandaise (Fr.). Dutch style. Name of a cream-like sauce served with fish or vegetables.

Horly. See Orly.

Hors d'oeuvres (Fr.). Small side dishes, served cold, generally before the soup, in order to create an appetite. They consist of anchovies, caviare, sardines and other dainty relishes. "

Hure (Fr.). Boar or pig's head; also head and shoulders of some large fish.

Hure de sanglier (Fr.), Wild boar's head.