Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1850

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Frittata (It.). An Italian dish; a kind of rolled pancake crumbed and fried in fat.

Friture (Fr.). This word has two significations; it applies to the fat, which may be oil, lard or dripping in which articles are fried. It is also applied to anything that has been fried, such as egged and crumbed fried fish, fried potatoes; croquettes or rissoles being pre-eminently popular under this term.

Fromage glacé (Fr.). A dish of ice-cream in a cheese-like shape, or anything glazed with cheese.

Fumet (Fr.). The flavour or essence of game, fish, or any highly flavoured concentrated substance used to impart a rich flavour to certain dishes.

Galantine (Fr.). A dish of white meat, rolled, served cold. A fowl or breast of veal, boned and stuffed with farce, tongue, truffle, etc.

Galette (Fr.). A kind of French pastry. A species of light breakfast roll.

Galimafré (Fr.). A kind of ragoût made of cold meat. Origin of the word unknown.

Gargotage (Fr.). Badly dressed victuals.

Gastronomie (Fr.). Gastronomy. The art of good living. Strictly speaking, the science of life, by which we discover what food, under various circumstances, is the most suitable; it also teaches us the effect it bears upon man individually or a nation.—"The Autocrat of the Dinner Table."

Gâteau (Fr.). A round flat cake, generally decorated. Essentially a cake made of well-beaten butter dough.

Gaufre (Fr.). A thin wafer-like biscuit; wafer; baked or fried in specially constructed gaufre moulds. These consist of two opposed plates, and are worked by handles.

Gelée (Fr.). Jelly. Inspissated juice of fruit or meat. "En gelée," set very thinly in sweet or savoury jelly.

Génevoise (à la) (Fr.). Geneva style.

Genièvre (Fr.). Juniper berry. A blue-black berry, possessing a peculiar aromatic flavour, used as a flavouring condiment in mirepoix, marinades, etc.; also used in syrups and liqueurs.

Génoise (Fr..). Genoese style. Also the name of a rich sponge cake. A brown fish sauce.

Ghee. An Indian word for clarified butter. Indian butter is generally prepared from buffaloes' milk.

Gibier (Fr.). Game. Animals taken in the chase.

Gibolette (Fr.). A rabbit stew dressed with butter, onions and olive-shaped potatoes.

Gigot à sept heures, or Gigot à la cuillère (Fr.). A leg of mutton which has been cooked for seven hours, when it may be carved with a spoon.

Gimblettes (Fr.). A kind of French pastry, resembling and prepared similarly to croque en bouche.

Gitana (Sp.). Signifies a garnish of which Spanish onions form the chief part. Gipsy fashion.

Glacé (Fr.). Frozen, iced or glazed; coated or masked with glaze.

Glace de sucre (Fr.). (Glace royale). Icing sugar; very fine dust sugar.

Glace de viande (Fr.). Meat glaze.

Glacer (Fr.). To glaze.

Glasure or glaze. A sugar icing.

Glaze (Eng.). Stock or gravy reduced to the thickness of jelly; used for glazing meats, etc., to improve their appearance. Well-made glaze adheres firmly to the meat. Used also for strengthening soups and sauces.

Gnocchi (It.). A light savoury dough, boiled and served with grated Parmesan cheese (Italian dish).

Godiveau (Fr.). Rich veal forcemeat. Quenelles. Used as a garnish almost exclusively.