Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1231

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2365.—BEETROOT SALAD. (Fr.Salade de Betterave.)

Arrange stamped-out or plain slices of beetroot overlapping each other closely, moisten with salad dressing (see recipes for same), and serve garnished with shredded celery, or tufts of finely scraped horseradish.

2366.—BRUSSELS SPROUTS SALAD. (Fr.Salade de Choux de Bruxelles.)

Ingredients.—Cooked Brussels sprouts, salad dressing No. 2444, beetroot.

Method.—Toss the sprouts lightly in a little salad dressing, pile in a salad-bowl, and decorate with beetroot.

2367.—CARDON SALAD. (See Celery Salad, No. 2369.)

2368.—CAULIFLOWER SALAD. (Fr.Salade de Choufleur.)

Ingredients.—Cooked cauliflower, salad dressing (see recipes for same).

Method.—When cold, break the cauliflower into sprays, toss these lightly in salad dressing, and serve garnished with cress and beetroot.

2369.—CELERY AND CUCUMBER SALAD. (Fr.Salade de Concombre et Céléri.)

Ingredients.—1 head of celery, 1 cucumber, 2 or 3 bunches of small red radishes, ½ a teaspoonful of finely-chopped gherkin, ½ a teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, 2 hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise sauce, or salad dressing (see recipes for same), salt and pepper.

Method.—Use only the white part of the celery; trim and wash it, shred lengthwise into fine strips, let it remain in cold water for about ½ an hour, then drain and dry thoroughly. Peel the cucumber thinly, cut it across into 1½ inch lengths, and shred them in the same way as the celery. Mix the salad dressing, celery, cucumber, and a seasoning of salt and pepper thoroughly together, heap it up in the bowl, surround the base with the radishes, garnish with slices of hard-boiled egg, sprinkle over the gherkin and parsley, and serve.

Radish (Fr. rave).—This is the common name given to the root of the Raphanus sativus, one of the varieties of cultivated horseradish. There are red and white radishes; and the French have also violet and black varieties of which the black are the larger. Radishes are composed of nearly the same constituents as turnips, that is to say, mostly fibre and nitrogen; and, being generally eaten raw, it is on the last of these that their flavour depends.