Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1230

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2358.—APPLE AND CUCUMBER SALAD. (Fr.Salade de Pommes et Concombres.)

Ingredients.—Equal quantities of sliced apples and cucumber, lemon-juice, salt and pepper, whipped cream.

Method.—Season the apples and cucumber with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with lemon-juice. Stir in a little whipped cream, and serve piled in a salad-bowl.

2359.—ARTICHOKE SALAD. (Fr.Salade d'Artichauts.)

Ingredients.—Cooked globe artichokes, vinaigrette sauce No. 2450.

Method.—Let the artichokes become quite cold, then serve in a salad-bowl or dish, and hand the sauce separately.

2360.—ASPARAGUS AND CAULIFLOWER SALAD. (Fr.Salade d'Asperges et Choufleur).

Ingredients.—50 cooked asparagus points, 1 cauliflower cooked, mayonnaise or other salad dressing (see recipes for same).

Method.—Divide the cauliflower into small sprays, and mix with them the asparagus points. When quite cold, toss them lightly in a little salad dressing, and serve.

2361.—ASPARAGUS SALAD. (Fr.Salade d'Asperges.)

Ingredients.—50 heads of cooked asparagus, mayonnaise, vinaigrette, or some salad sauce (see recipes for same).

Method.—Let the asparagus remain on ice for 2 or 3 hours, then coat the tips with sauce, dish up neatly and serve.

2362.—ASPIC MAYONNAISE. (Fr.Mayonnaise d' Aspic.)

Ingredients.—½ a pint of aspic jelly, ¼ of a pint of stiff mayonnaise sauce.

Method.—Dissolve the aspic, let it become quite cold, then stir in the mayonnaise, and use as directed.

2363.—BACON SALAD. (See Potato Salad, No. 2406.)

2364.—BEETROOT AND ONION SALAD. (See Onion Salad, No. 2403.)

Use one part of thinly sliced onion and two parts of sliced and pickled beetroot.