Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/332

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single or in radial strings of 2-4. Medullary rays short, white, numerous, the distance between them about equal to the diameter of the pores. Annual rings, marked by the darker autumn wood, with few pores" (Gamble). Branches opposite. J. D. Hooker says that the wood has broad septate pith, and the leaves are 5-merous-foliate ; petiole not' winged. " The prickly stem resembles that of the Bombax. Leaves 1-1½ft., clustered at the ends of the branches, equally or unequally pinnate; petiole unarmed. Leaflets opposite, 3-oin., with short partial petioles, recurved, ovate-oblong or lanceolate, caudate- acuminate, upper base, rounded, lower narrow and ending in the costa, nerves 10-12 on the upper half, fewer on the lower. Flowers yellow, in large terminal panicles " (Brandis). J. D. Hooker says : " Cymes terminal, very large, glabrous, Sometimes 1½ft, broad: branches opposite, angled; bracts minute caducous." Flowers 4-merous, ⅛in. diam. Petals valvate. Ovary globose. Ripe carpels solitary, the size of a pea, tubercled. Seed subglobose, blue-black. The unripe carpels taste like orange peel, the seeds like black pepper.

Parts used : — The carpels, oil, bark and root-bark.

Uses : — The fruit is used for its aromatic and stimulant properties. The Mohamedan physicians consider it to be hot and dry, and to have astringent, stimulant and digestive properties. They prescribe it in dyspepsia arising from atrabilis ; also in some forms of diarrhœa. The root-bark is reputed in Goa to be purgative of the kidneys. The fruit with ajwan seeds is powdered, steeped in water and distilled, and the distillate given as a remedy for cholera. In rheumatism, the fruit is given in honey (DYMOCK.)

The bark and root-bark are also probably equally valuable. The essential oil is used for cholera (WATT.)

227. Z. Budrunga, Wall, h.f.b.i, i. 495.

Syn. : — Fagara Budrunga, Roxb, 140.

Vern. :— Budrung (Hin.): Brojonali (Assam).

Habitat:— Tropical Himalaya, Kumaon, forests of Sylhet, the Khasia Mountains, Chittagong, and Martaban.