Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/331

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Indian species, lilac, ¼-⅓in. diam., umbellate on the branches of the cyme ; pedicels slender, longer than the petals. Sepals 4, small, obtuse. Petals 4, obtuse, imbricate. Ripe carpels 2-4, of the size of a pea, tuberculated, hardly beaked. Seeds black.

Use : — See Z. alatum above.

225. Z. Hamiltonianum, Wall.,, i. 494.

Vern. : — Purpuray timur (Nepal).

Habitat: — Sikkim, Assam and Burma.

A climbing thorny shrub. Bark dark grey, with white lenticels, armed with short recurved prickles on a thick, nearly cylindrical corky base, often ¾in. high. Wood yellowish white, soft. Pores fine, not numerous. Medullary rays fine to moderately broad, numerous, nearly equidistant (Gamble). Leaves 6-8in., common petiole not winged, terete, stout, very prickly ; leaflets sub-sessile, suddenly narrowed into a broad notched apex, base rounded, glossy on both surfaces, glabrous or pubescent beneath, with many sub-parallel prominent arching nerves. Cymes 3-4in., panicled, imbricate. Panicles or clusters of flowers axillary, ramifications alternate. Sepals 4. Petals as many. Flowers green. Stamens 4, hypogynous. Ovary 1-celled ; stigma capitate. Fruit globose, of 1-seeded carpel. Seed shining black ; embryo in a fleshy albumen, radicle short, cotyledons flat.

Use : — The fruit employed medicinally like that of Z. alatum.

226. Z. Rhetsa. D. C, h.f.b.i, i. 495.

Syn. : — Fagara Rhetsa, Roxb. 140.

Vern. :— Tessul, Koklee, chirphal, triphal (Bomb. and Goa). Vengurla. Rhetsa manm (Tel.) ; Jummina, jisumi-mara (Kan.). Katu Kina (Sinhalese).

Habitat :— Western Peninsula, from Coromandel and the Concan southward. Occasionally cultivated in Ceylon.

A large tree. " Bark cream-coloured, with thick cork in irregular masses, studded with conical spines, about 2in. long, and the same; in base diameter. Wood yellowish grey, moderately hard, close-grained. Pores small, rather scanty,