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Messrs. Roberts Brothers' Publications.

Jean Ingelow's Writings.

"Except Mrs. Browning, Jean Ingelow is first among the women whom the world calls poets."—The Independent.

"Miss Ingelow's new volume exhibits abundant evidence that time, study, and devotion to her vocation have both elevated and mellowed the powers of the most gifted poetess we possess, now that Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Adelaide Procter sing no more on earth. Lincolnshire has claims to be considered the Arcadia of England at present, having given birth both to Mr. Tennyson and our present Lady Laureate."—London Morning Star.

"We have read and reread, always with a better and softer heart. . . . . We wish everybody loved Jean Ingelow's writings, or, rather, that everybody would read them, for their admiration would follow."—Providence Post.

POEMS. Illustrated Edition, with One Hundred Pictures from Drawings by the first Artists in England. In one quarto volume, bound in cloth, bevelled and gilt, price, $12.00; or in Morocco, price, $18.00.

"The book is certainly among the most beautiful of the holiday offerings. The lovers of the poet will not tolerate even this slightly qualified praise, but pronounce it the most beautiful."

SONGS OF SEVEN. Illustrated Edition, small quarto, bound in cloth, gilt, price $5.00; or in Morocco, price $8.00.

"This work is an acknowledged triumph of typographic art, with its delicate creamy page and red-line border."

POEMS. The first volume.

A STORY OF DOOM, and Other Poems.

Both volumes, 16mo, cloth, gilt top, price $3.50; or separately, price $1.75 each.

Both volumes, 32mo, Blue and Gold Edition, price $3.00; or separately, price $1.50 each.

Cabinet Edition, complete in one volume, 16mo, cloth, gilt top, bevelled boards, price $2.25.

Mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of the price, by the Publishers.