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Jean Ingelow's Writings.

STUDIES FOR STORIES. Comprising Five Stories, with an Illustration to each Story. In one vol. 16mo. Price, $1.50.

"Simple in style, warm with human affection, and written in faultless English, these five stories are studies for the artist, sermons for the thoughtful, and a rare source of delight for all who can find pleasure in really good works of prose fiction. . . . They are prose poems, carefully meditated, and exquisitely touched in by a teacher ready to sympathize with every joy and sorrow." — Athenæum.

STORIES TOLD TO A CHILD. Comprising Fourteen Stories, with an Illustration to each Story. In one vol. 16mo. Price, $1.75.

A cheaper edition, with Five Illustrations. Price, $1.25.

"This is one of the most charming juvenile books ever laid on our table. It is beautifully printed and bound, and profusely illustrated. The stories are very interesting, and breathe a sweet, pure, happy Christian spirit. Jean Ingelow, the noble English poet, second only to Mrs. Browning, bends easily and gracefully from the heights of thought and fine imagination to commune with the minds and hearts of children; to sympathize with their little joys and sorrows; to feel for their temptations. She is a safe guide for the little pilgrims; for her paths, though 'paths of pleasantness,' lead straight upward." — Grace Greenwood in "The Little Pilgrim."

POOR MATT; or, The Clouded Intellect. With an Illustration. One vol. 18mo. Price, 60 cents.

"A lovely story, told in most sweet and simple language. There is a deep spiritual significance in the character of the poor half-idiot boy, which should touch the hearts of 'children of a larger growth.'" — Grace Greenwood in "The Little Pilgrim."

A SISTER'S BYE-HOURS. Comprising Seven Stories. In one vol. 16mo. Price, $1.25.

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