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Matter referred on 21 April 2022 (conduct of Rt Hon Boris Johnson): Final Report

that he had attended the daily Office Meeting on 1 and 8 December 2021 and 12 January 2022, as well as the weekly PMQs preparation session each Wednesday when Parliament was sitting.[1]

151. Mr Griffith stated that:

In the daily Office Meeting, as newspapers initially published allegations of gatherings in No. 10, Mr Johnson was given assurances by multiple different 10 Downing Street staff present under question 2 (b) (iii) above [this was the Committee’s question: “Did you at any time give Mr Johnson any assurances that […] iii) No parties were held in No. 10 during the period of Covid restrictions”]. This was a daily meeting with a varying cast list of officials and advisers, and I do not recall whom [sic] said this or on which precise dates. The substance (though to be clear not the precise wording) of the assurances by Downing Street staff to Mr Johnson in response to the initial articles was “Are they kidding? We were all working our socks off during Covid–no one had time for any parties!”[2]

152. Ms Dines stated:

I remember on one occasion whilst I was at a meeting with Mr Johnson with many other people in the Cabinet Room that Mr Johnson asked a question of the meeting “We did follow the Rules at all times, didn’t we?” I recall more than one person in the room said “Yes, of course”. I am not certain who the people were who said yes, but I am certain they were civil servants, and it was more than one voice. I am about 90% sure one of them was Simon Case, the Cabinet Secretary. I am afraid I cannot recall the date of the meeting, but it was whilst these events were very much in the eye of the media. Whilst I am not sure of the date, I can say with absolute certainty that this happened. I recall thinking “Thank Goodness”. I was reassured. On balance, I think this would have been around the meetings on 1–8 December 2021, and not as late as January 2022. I am sorry I am not able to be more specific.[3]

153. In regard to the evidence from Ms Dines and Mr Griffith, we note that neither witness is able to supply precise dates when assurances were given, nor to specify who gave them, except that Ms Dines is “about 90% sure” that one of them was Simon Case, the Cabinet Secretary. Mr Case himself has given evidence that he did not give Mr Johnson assurances in relation to Covid compliance during the gatherings, and does not know whether anyone else gave Mr Johnson such assurances.[4] In oral evidence, Mr Johnson said: “I don’t remember being specifically assured by any senior civil servant about the Rules or Guidance within No.10.” We note that the two PPSs differ as to the content of the assurances they refer to: Ms Dines refers to an assurance that Rules were followed at all times, where Mr Griffith refers to an assurance not about the Rules or Guidance being followed but that no parties were held.