Page:Fifth Report - Matter referred on 21 April 2022 (conduct of Rt Hon Boris Johnson).pdf/46

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Matter referred on 21 April 2022 (conduct of Rt Hon Boris Johnson): Final Report

146. Mr Doyle has stated that he did not discuss with Mr Johnson whether any gatherings had been compliant with Covid Guidance, as opposed to Covid Rules, and did not advise Mr Johnson to say No. 10 had complied with Covid Guidance at all times.[1] Mr Doyle further stated:

The Committee is right to draw a distinction between Rules and Guidance. […] Number 10 Downing Street is an old building with limited space. We made every effort to comply with Covid-19 guidelines to the greatest extent that we were able. Where this was not possible, we took measures to mitigate risks, such as installing Perspex screens between desks. It is difficult to say that guidelines of this nature were followed at all times, and it would not be possible for me to say that they were.[2]

147. Mr Johnson’s Principal Private Secretary, Martin Reynolds, said that he had queried with Mr Johnson whether he should say that Guidance had been followed at all times:

I do recall asking the then Prime Minister about the line proposed for PMQs on 7 December [actually 8 December], suggesting that all Rules and Guidance had been followed. I cannot remember exactly when I did this but believe it would have been in the period (roughly an hour) immediately before PMQs on 7 December [actually 8 December] when the Prime Minister would have been preparing on his own, as he usually did. He did not welcome the interruption but told me that he had received reassurances that the comms event [i.e. the 18 December 2020 gathering] was within the Rules. I accepted this but questioned whether it was realistic to argue that all Guidance had been followed at all times, given the nature of the working environment in No. 10. He agreed to delete the reference to Guidance.[3]

148. Notwithstanding Mr Reynolds’ statement that Mr Johnson had agreed to delete the reference to Guidance, we note that Mr Johnson subsequently on at least three occasions asserted in broad terms that Guidance had been followed (on 8 December 2021, 12 January 2022, and 25 May 2022; see paras 125, 129 and 131 above).

Assurances from others

149. Mr Johnson’s two Parliamentary Private Secretaries (PPSs) at the time of his statements in the House in December 2021/January 2022, Sarah Dines MP and Andrew Griffith MP, submitted evidence in which they stated that assurances were given to Mr Johnson by officials.

150. Mr Griffith explained that as PPS he had attended the ‘Office Meeting’ usually held at 9 am in the Cabinet Room on most parliamentary sitting days. Attendees included “the Prime Minister, his Chief of Staff and their deputies, the Cabinet Secretary, the Principal Private Secretary, the Director of Communications, the PM’s Official Spokesman, the Political Secretary and other civil servants and advisers”. Mr Griffith stated it was probable