Page:England & Russia in Central Asia,Vol-I.djvu/75

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bed of the River Oxus. By commencing operations at the Caspian end, and by completing the link from that sea to Sarykamish and thence to Khiva, the great problem of how to find a suitable channel for the river would be solved. It would only remain to decide how it was best to lead the river into that bed. By selecting the Doudon arm which branches off from the Oxus where that river is in full flow, not only is the greatest volume of water obtained, but there is only the necessity to construct one opposing dam. Of course that is in main stream, and would be no easy matter, although it would be simplified to a great extent by the destruction of the dam of the Doudon. On the other hand its advan- tages have already been stated, and must be apparent. Lastly, there remains but one doubt, one unknown quantity. Assuming that the scheme has been carried out as suggested, that the main channel is arrested, that the embankments are strong, that the waste at Sarykamish is nsignificant, and that the bottoms of the TJzboi and the Doudon are further excavated, if necessary, and made level, — assuming all these as accomplished, would the Oxus carry down sufficient water to flood the six hundred and fifty miles that intervene between Hazarasp and Balkhan bay to such an extent as to provide a stream navigable throughout its course ? On that point there must be considerable doubt until the feat has been accomplished. And even if the answer be favourable it is one that assumes that there is not the slightest flaw in engineering judgment. But whatever the result, there can be no doubt that the Oxus can only be brought back to its Caspian outlet by damming