Page:England & Russia in Central Asia,Vol-I.djvu/74

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than that the Oxus question had been solved — now appear revealed in all their absurdity beside the most intelligent scheme that has yet been devised by their countrymen. The Oxus cannot be brought into the Caspian save by very resolute action and considerable outlay. It will certainly not be accomplished in one stroke as if by a magician's wand. The consummating act will only be undertaken when all the initial tasks, which have been specified, have been completed; but even then something more remains to be done than to break down the main dam at the entrance to the Doudon channel. The great recommendation of this channel over the others is that it branches off from the Oxus at a point where the river is in its full career ; but is it to be only one arm of the river among others? Would the volume of the Oxus suffice to create a great river across the desert at the same time that a very considerable portion of its waters was diverted to the Aral and its other numerous outlets ? There can be no hesitation in replying that it would not. It may even be questioned whether the volume of the Oxus would suffice to render a single channel across Kara Kum navigable. The destruction of the dam at the entrance of the Doudon channel, would be only one portion of the consummating act. It should be followed, and that quickly, by the construction of another dam across the main channel of the river, and just below the point where the Doudon arm branched off. By this means the course of the river would be completely diverted into the Doudon channel, which would become the one