Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/676

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664 RUBRIUS. vanced in pregnancy, and witliin a few months she was delivered of a son (Alexander Aegus), who was admitted to share the nominal sovereignty with Arrhidaeus, under the regency of Perdiccas. Some time before the boy's birth she had, with the knowledge and concurrence of the regent, drawn Stateira, or Barsine, and her sister Drypetis to Babylon by a friendly letter, and then caused them to be murdered [Barsine, No. 2]. In b.c. 321, Roxana and her infant son accompanied Per- diccas in his expedition against Egypt ; and on his death in the same year, she became subject to the guardianship of Pithon and Arrhidaeus. [Arrhi- PAKUS, No. 2.] In B. c. 320, she was removed over to Macedonia by Antipater. In B.C. 318, fearing probably the hostility of Eurydice, she fled with her son to Aeacides, king of Epeirus, by whom they were restored to Macedonia, together with Olympias, in the following year. It was not long, however, before Olympias, hard pressed by Cas- sander, was obliged to throw herself into Pydna, whither Roxana and the young prince accompanied her ; and, when Pydna was taken, and Olympias put to death by Cassander, early in b. c. 316, they were placed by him in Amphipolis, with a com- mand that they should no longer be treated as royal persons. Here they were detained under the charge of Glaucias till b, c. 311, in which year, soon after the general peace then concluded, they were murdered by their keeper, and their bodies were secretly disposed of, in accordance with orders from Cassander. (Plut. Alex. 77, de Alex. Fort. ii. 6 ; Arr. Anab. vii. 27 ; Curt. x. 3, 6 ; Diod. xviii. 3, 89, xix. 11, 52, 105 ; Stiab. xi. p. 517, xvii. p. 794 ; Just. xii. 15, xiii. 2, xiv 5, 6, xv. 2 ; Pans. i. 6, 11, ix. 7.) [E. E.] RUBE'LLIUS BLANDUS, [Blandus.] RUBE'LLIUS GE'MINUS. [Geminus.] RUBE'LLIUS PLAUTUS. [Plautus.] RUBRE'NUS LAPPA, a tragic poet and a contemporary of Juvenal, was compelled by po- verty to pledge his cloak, while writing a tragedy on Atreus. (Juv. Sat. vii. 71—73.) RU'BRIA. 1. The wife of one Carbo, a friend of Cicero. (Cic. axl Fam. ix. 21. § 3.) 2. A woman of Mediolanum in the time of Augustus, of whom Valerius Maximus (ix. 15. ext. 1 ) relates a story. 3. A Vestal virgin, with whom Nero committed incest. (Suet. Ner. 28.) RU'BRIA GENS, plebeian, is mentioned for the first time in the tribunate of C. Gracchus, but it never attained much importance during the re- public. In the imperial period the Rubrii became more distinguished ; and one of them, namely C. Rubrius Gallus, obtained the consulship in a. d. 101. The surnames of the Rubrii in the time of the republic are Ruya., Farro, and Dossenus, the latter of which occurs only on coins LDossenus]. Under the empire we meet with a few more sur- names, which are given below. RU'BRIUS. 1. Rubrius, tribune of the plebs along with C. Gracchus, proposed the law for founding the colony at Carthage, which was carried into efiect. (Plut. C. Gracch. 10; comp. Appian, B.C.. 12.) 2. Q. Rubrius Varro, who was declared a public enemy along with Marius in b. c. 88, is mentioned by Cicero (^Brut. 45) as an energetic uid passionate accuser. 3. RuBRjus, one of the companions of C. Verres RUFINUS. in liis iniquities (Cic. Verr. i. 25). He seems to have been a different person from Q. Rubrius, who is also mentioned in connection with Verres. ( Verr. iii. 80.) 4. L. Rubrius, a Roman eques at Syracuse, when Verres was governor of Sicily. (Cic. Verr. iii. 57.) 5. Rubrius, was propraetor in Macedonia about B. c. 67, in which year M. Cato served under him as tribune of the soldiers. (Plut. Cat. min. 9.) 6. L. Rubrius, a senator, was taken prisoner by Caesar at the capture of Corfiiiium, at the begin- ning of B. c. 49, and was dismissed by him unin- jured. (Caes. D. a i. 23.) 7. M. Rubrius, was with M. Cato in Utica at the time of his death. (Plut. Cat. min. 62, 63.) 8. Rubrius Ruga, was one of Caesar's assas- sins, b. c. 44. (Appian, B. C. i. 113, with the note of Schweighiiuser.) He may have been the same as either No. 6 or 7, both of whom belonged to the Pompeian party. 9. L. Rubrius, of Casinum, made M. Antonius his heir. (Cic. Phil. ii. 16.) 10. Rubrius, a Roman eques, accused at the beginning of the reign of Tiberius. (Tac. Ann. i. 73.) RU'BRIUS, a physician at Rome, who lived probably about the beginning or middle of the first century after Christ, and is mentioned by Pliny (jfiT. A^. xxix. 5) as having gained by his practice the annual income of two hundred and fifty thou- sand sesterces (about 1953/. 2s. ^d.). As this is considered by Pliny to be a very large sum, it may give us some notion of the fortunes made by physicians at Rome about the beginning of tlie empire. [W. A.G.] RU'BRIUS FABA'TUS, was apprehended in attempting to fly to the Parthians in a. D. 32, but escaped punishment from the forgetfulness rather than the mercv of Tiberius. (Tac. Ann. vL 14.) RU'BRIUS GALLUS. [Gallus.] RU'BRIUS PO'LLIO. [Pollio.] RUFILLA, A'NNIA, spoken of in the reign of Tiberius, a. d. 21. (Tac. Ann. iii. 36.) RUFILLUS, a person ridiculed by Horace on account of the perfumes he carried about his per- son. (Hor. Sat. i. 2. 27, i. 4. 92.) RUFI'NA, POMPO'NIA. [Pomponia.] RUFINIA'NUS, JU'LIUS, a Latin rhetori- cian of uncertain date, the author of a treatise De Figuris Sententiarum et Elocuiionis, first published, along with several other pieces of a similar de- scription, by Beatus Rhenanus, 4to. Basel, 1521. It will be found in the " Rhetores Antiqui Latini" of Pithoeus, 4to. Paris, 1599, p. 24, in the col- lection of Capperonerius, 4to. Argent. 1756, p. 29, and is generally included in the editions of the work by Rutilius Lupus [Lupus], which bears the same title. [W. R.] RUFI'NUS, prime minister of Theodosius the Great, one of the most able, but also most in- triguing, treacherous, and dangerous men of his time. Suidas calls him fiadvyvut^os dvdpwvos koi Kpijij/ifovs. He was a native of Elusium, the capital of Novempopulania, a portion of Aquitania, in Gaul, now Eause in Gascony. Although of low birth, he succeeded in working his way up to the imperial court, and early attached himself to the fortune of Theodosius, with whom he became a great favourite. He employed his ascendancy over the emperor to abuse liis conn deuce, and Theo^