Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/675

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ROSCIUS. at Rome, was a native of Solonium, a small place in tlie neiglibourhood of Lanuvium. His sister was married to Quintius, whom Cicero defended in B. c. 81. (Cic. pro Quint. 24, 25.) A tale was told, that in his infancy he was found in the folds of a ser- pent, and that this foreshadowed his future emi- nence. His extraordinary skill in acting procured him the favour of many of the most distinguished Roman nobles, and, among others, of the dictator Sulla, who presented hiui with a gold ring, the symbol of equestrian rank. Like his celebrated contemporary, the tragic actor Aesopus, Roscius enjoyed the friendship of Cicero, who constantly speaks of him in terms both of admiration and affection, and on one occasion calls him his amoves et deliciae. Roscius paid the greatest attention to his art, and obtained excellence in it by the most careful and elaborate study. It is to this that Horace alludes, when he says {Ep. ii. 1. 82) : " Quae gravis Aesopus, quae dodtis Roscius egit." So careful and assiduous was he in his prepara- tions, that even in the height of his reputation, he did not venture upon a single gesture in public which he had not previously well considered and practised at home. But notwithstanding all this study, no mannerism or affectation appeared in his acting ; every thing he did was perfectly natural to the character he represented ; and he himself used to say that decere was the highest excellence of the art. He was considered by the Romans to have reached such perfection in his own profession, that it became the fashion to call every one who became particularly distinguished in his own art, by the name of Roscius. In his younger years Cicero received instruction from Roscius ; and at a later time he and Roscius often used to try which of them could express a thought with the greatest eifect, the orator by his eloquence, or the actor by his gestures. Macrobius, who relates this anec- dote, goes on to say that these exercises gave Roscius so high an opinion of his art, that he wrote a work in which he compared eloquence and acting. Like Aesopus, Roscius realized an immense fortune by his profession. Macrobius says that he made a thousand denarii a day, and Pliny relates that his yearly profits were tifty millions of sesterces. He died in b. c. 62, as Cicero, in his oration for Archias (c. 8), which was delivered in that year, speaks of his death as a recent event. (Cic. deDiv. i. 36. ii. 31, de Orat. i. 27—29, 59, 60, ii. 57, 59, iii. 26, 59, de Leg. 1. 4, Brut. 84 ; Plut. Cic. 5 ; Macrob. Sat. ii. 10 ; Val. Max. viii. 7. § 7 ; Plin. H. N. vii. 39. s. 40.) A scholiast on Cicero gives the cognomen Gallus to Q. Roscius, but it does not occur elsewhere, as far as we know. (Schol, Bob. pro Arch. p. 357, ed. Orelli.) In B. c. 68 Cicero pleaded the cause of his friend in a civil suit before the judex C. Piso. It appears that a certain C. Fannius Chaerea had a slave of the name of Panurgus, whom he entrusted to Roscius for instruction in his art, on the agreement that whatever profits the slave might acquire should be divided between them. Panurgus was murdered by one Q. Flavius of Tarquinii, and accordingly an action was brought against him for damages, by Fannius and Roscius. Before the case came on for trial, Roscius received from Flavius a farm, which Fannius valued at 100,000 sesterces: Roscius ni;iintained that this farm was simply a compensa- tion for his own loss ; but Faimius asserted that ROXANA. 663 Roscius had no right to make terms for himself alone, and that according to the original agreement he was entitled to half of the compensation. The dispute was referred for arbitration to C. Piso, who did not give any formal decision, but at his recommendation Roscius consented to pay Fannius a certain sum of money for the trouble he had had, and Fannius, on the other hand, pro- mised to give Roscius the half of whatever he might receive from Flavius. Fannius now sued Flavius ; the case came on before the judex C. Cluvius, a Ro- man eques, who sentenced Flavius to pay 100.000 sesterces. According to the statement of Roscius he himself never received any part of this sura although he was entitled to half of it. Some years afterwards, when Flavius was dead, Fannius sued Roscius for 50,000 sesterces, as the half of the value of the estate given to Roscius on the death of Panurgus, and appealed to the agreement made before C. Piso, in support of his claim. The case came on for trial before the same C. Piso, who now acted as judex, and Cicero defended his friend in an oration, which has come down to us, though with the loss of the opening part. The date of the oration is doubtfid ; we have adopted the one given by Drumann, who discusses the matter at length (Geschichte Roms, vol. v. pp. 346—348). The subject of the oration has afforded matter for con- siderable discussion to modern jurists and scholars. (See Unterholzner, Ueber die Rede des Cicero fur den Scliauspieler Q. Roscius, in Savigny's Zeitschrift., vol. i. p. 248, &c. ; Miinchen, Oratio M. T. C. pro Q. R. C. juridice ejcposita, Coloniae, 1829 ; and Schmidt, in his edition of the oration, Lipsiae, 1839.) 4, 5. Rosen, two brothers, who accompanied Crassus on his Parthian expedition. (Plut. Crass. 31.) 6. Roscius, a legate of Q. Cornificius in Africa, perished along with his commander, in B. c. 43. (Appian, B.C. iv. 56.) [Cornificius, No. 3.] RO'SCIUS, L. AELIA'NUS. 1. Consul suf- fectus A. D. 100 (Fasti). 2. Consul A. D. 223, with L. Marius Maximus, in the reign of the emperor Severus (Fasti). RO'SCIUS, CAE'LIUS, the legatus of the twentieth legion, which was stationed in Britain at the time of Nero's death, A. D. 68. (Tac. Hist. i. 60.) RO'SCIUS RE'GULUS. [Regulus.] ROSIA'NUS GE'MINUS, quaestor of the younger Pliny in his consulship, a. d. 1 00, is re- commended by the latter in one of his letters to Trajan (Ep. x. 11. s. 16). ROXA'NA ('Pw^on?), a daughter of Oxyartes the Bactrian. According to Arrian, she fell into the hands of Alexander on his capture of the hill- fort in Sogdiana, named " the rock," where the wife and daughters of Oxyartes had been placed for security ; and the conqueror was so captivated by the charms of Roxana (who appeared to the Macedonians the most beautiful of all the Asiatic women they had seen, except the wife of Dareius), that he resolved to marry her — a design which induced Oxyartes, when he heard of it, to come and submit himself to Alexander, b.c. 327 (Arr. Anab. iv. 18 — 20). The statements of Curtius (viii. 4), and of Plutarch {Alex. 47), differ in some points from the above account ; but see Droysen, Alexander, p. 346. At the time of Alex- ander's death, in B. c. 323, Roxana was far ad- u u 4