Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1487

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AFO-87813 — AFO-87850
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Forty lonq oiles; tuenty-three English folk sonqs from the collection of Janet Heatley Blunt. Selected by Tony Foxvorthy. Onited Kingdoa. 40 p. Nfi: cOBpilation. intcod. & editorial notes. Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 1Dec76; 4FO-87413.


Peace research abstracts journal. Vol. 13. no. 12. Dec. 1976. Canada. 199 p. ippl. au: Alan Nencoiibe & Banna Ueaconbe. Alan NevcoBbe £ Banna Neiicoiibe; laac77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-87it1il.


Littlewood-Paley and multiplier theory. By Bobert B. Edwards S a. 1. Gaudry. Best Gernany. 212 p. (Ergebnisse der aatheuatik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 90) springer- Verlag: 2Jan77; APO-87<115.


Physical cheaistry. Hest Geraany. 153 p. (Advances in polyaec science, vol. 22) Appl. au: Yuri s. Lipatov £ Barry £. Jennings. O Springer- Verlag; 12Jan77; AFO-87416.

Brigitte Scbvaiger. Austria. 167 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlag, G.a.B.H.; 17Feb77:


Splendore della natura in Italia; guida ai luoqhi aeravlqliosi del nostro paese. Italy. 548 p. Add. ti: Scenic wonders of Italy. O Selezione dal Beader*s Digest, S.P.A.; 18IIOV76; AFO-87417.


Hochenergiephysik. Von Peter Joos. Hest Geraanr. 183 p. (Thieaig- Taschenbuecher, Bd. S8) Add. ti: High energy physics. C Verlag Karl Thieeig; 5Jan77; APO-87418.


Pflanzenernaehrung rn Stlchworten. Von Arnold Finck. 3., ueberarbeitete Aufl. 1976. Best Germany. 200 p. Verlag Ferdinand uirt; 2Dec76 (io notice: 1969, 3.. ueberarbeitete Aufl. 1976); AFO-87419.


Burda Schnell und gut kochen. Burda Kochbucb Nr. 15. Bezepte: Burda- Kochstudio, Sedaktion: Elisabeth Klapper, Fotos: Burda-Fotostudio. Hest Geraany. 144 p. Appl. au: Verlag Aenne Burda. Verlag Aenne Burda; 20Sep76; AFO-B7420.


Biologischer Obstbau und Beerenanbau: Duenqunq, Boden. Pflege und Schnitt nach natuerlichen Hachstuasbedingungen Biologischer Pflanzenschutz. By Ewald Koeneaann. Austria. 126 p. Bilhelm Braumueller. Oniversitaets-Veriagsbuc- hhandlunq. G.n.B.H.; 14Jan77; AFO-87421.


Acta cosBOlogica. Zeszyt 4. fiedaktor naczelny zeszytow naukowych Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego: Stanislaw Suraa. Poland. 100 p. English. Appl. au: Obseruatorium Astronoaiczne. Dniwersytetu Jagiellon- skiego. O Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe; 13IIOV76: AFO-87422.


Centrality and cities By Jaaes Harold Bird. England. 203 p. James Bird; 6Jan77: AFO-87423.


Somalia: zarys historyczno- socjolo- giczny. By Andrze^ Haria Kostecki. editors: Jozef Bielawski £ Uitold Tyloch. Poland. 193 p. C Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Haukowe; 1SDec76: AFO-87424.


Wie kommt das Salz ins Zeer. By Brigitte Schwanger. Austria. 167 p. Paul Zmolmay Verlag G.M.B.H.; 17Feb77; AFO-87425.


Prophecy, behaviour and change: an examination of self-fulfilling prophecies in helping relationships. By Gerald Gilbert Saale. England. 103 p. (Library of social work) G Gerald G. Saale; 13Jan77; AFO-871426.


Funked der Ueiterkeit. By Johann destroy, aosgevahlt von Herbert Lederer, nit 12 Federzeichnungen von Ernst Zdrahal. Austria. 158 p. C tianutiuspresse Uulf StratoM Verlag; 150ct76; AfO-87«27.


Beadxng and loving. By Leila Berg. England. 136 p. Leila Berg; 13Jan77: APO-871428.


People of the Mediterranean: an essay in coaparative social anthropology. By John Davis. England. 288 p. (Library of man) C J. Davis; 6Jan77; AFO-87429.


Origin and significance of the Frankfurt School: a Marxist perspective. By Philip Bonald Slater. England. 185 p. llnternational library of sociology) O Phil Slater; 6Jan77; AFO-87430.


Enrichissez votre vocabulaire. Pref.: Jean Guehepno. introd. : Kaud Sissung. by Maurice fiat, Gilles Mativet. Maurice Grevisse £ others. France. 543 p. Add. ti: How to Increase your word power. Appl. au: Selection du Header's Digest. S.A. Portions prev. pub. under the title: petit dlctionnaire des locutions franca ises £ others. IIM: translation. Selection du Header's Digest. S. A. ; 25Aug76; AFO-87431.


Mantras: sacred words of power. By John Blofeld. Great Britain. 106 p. Appl. au: George Allen and Onwin (Publishers) Ltd. employer for hire. O George Allen and Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.; 13Jan77; AFO-87432.


Death in the desert. By J. B. L. Anderson. England. 190 p. C J. B. L. Anderson; 26Aug76; AFO-37433.


More than conguerors. By Graham Turner. Great Britain. 224 p. O Graham Turner; 11HOV76: AFO-87434.


Urban housing in the third world. By Geoffrey K. Payne. England. 242 p. Geoffrey K. Payne; 27Jan77: iFO-87435.


rzemiosle artystycznym w Polsce. fiedaktor: Teresa Hrankowska, redaktor techniczny: Ualina Urbanska. Poland. 321 p. C Panstwowe Hydawnictwo Haukowe; 7Dec76; AFO-87436.


Methodology of history. By Jerzy Topolski, translated from the Polish by Olgierd Hojtasiewicz. Holland. 690 p. (Synthese library, vol. 88) Appl. au: PBN — Polish Scientific Publishers, employer for hire. Translation of Metodologia historii, pub. 1973. BM: translation. O PHM--Polish Scientific Publishers; 4Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-67437.


AHT senior SI metric edition. Book 1. By Dino L. G. Dottori, George Donald Knill £ John Phillip Seymour. 2nd ed. Canada. 486 p. Add. ti: Applied aatheaatics for today: senior. HcGra»-Hill Byerson, Ltd. ; 16feb77; AfO-87439.


Elemente englischer Sprachkunst. By Herbert Koziol. Austria. 174 p. O wilhelm Braumueller, Universitaets- Verlagsbuchhandlung G.H.B.U.; 310ec76; A:0-87440.


Aesthetik und Bildungsroman: Goethes "Uilhelm aeisters Lehrjahre." By Albert Berger. Austria. 182 p. O Kilhela Braumueller. Universitaets-Verlagsbuc- hhandlung G.B.B.B.; 17Jan77; AFO-87441.


Business fundamentals. By Graham Bruce. Bobert Henry Heyaood. Brlliam Thomas Abercrombie. Ann P. Uhrttaker £ Heidrun Smith. 3rd ed. Canada. 200 p. O HcGraa-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 15Peb77; AfO-87442.


Great Canadian adventures. Editors: Hugh Durnford £ Peter Madely, art director: Val Mitrofanow. Canada. 731 p. NM: compilation. The Header's Digest Association (Canada) Ltd.; 20Oct76; AFO-87443.


Haigret and the spinster. By Georyes Siaenon. translated from the French by Eileen Ellenbogen. England. 155 p. Translation of Cecile est morte. O on translation; Georges Simeuon; 10Fcb77; AFO-87444.


African ungulates: a coaparative review of their ethology and behavioral ecology. By Baiter Leuthold. Best Geraany. J07 p. (Zoophysiology and ecology. 8) Springer- Verlag; 7feb77; Ai'0-87445.


Beactivities. Edited by Bans-Joachim Cantow £ others. Best Germany. 136 p. (Advances in polymer science* 23) O Springer- Verlag; 10Feb77; AFO-87446.


Pollination oechauisms* reproduction and plant breeding. By fiafael Frankel £ Esra Galun. Best Geraany. 281 p. (Monographs on theoretical and applied genetics, 2) O Springer-Verlag; 26Jan77; AFO-87447.


Konstrulitionslehre: Uandbuch fuer Studiun und Praxis. By Gerhard Pahl £ Bolfgang Beitz. Hest Germany. 465 p. O Springer-Verlag; 2Jan77; AFO-87448.


Obduktionsgut des Pathologischen Institutes der Oniversitaet Heidelberg, 184 1-1972: eine tabellarische Uebersicht aus 66868 verschluesselten Sektions- protokollen. By Bilhelm-Bolf gang Boepker, unter Mitarbeit von Ekkehart fritsch, Ulrich Fritsch, Glaus Krusche, Ingrid Loeser. Heidi Orbeck, fiolf Schieber £ Manfred Schuessler. mit einem Geleitwort von H. Doerr. Hest Geraany. 331 p. (Veroeffentlichungen aus der Forschun- gsstelie fuer Thcoretische Pathologic der Heidelberger Akadeoie der Bissenschaf ten, Suppl. 2/76) e Springer- Verlag; 150ec76; AFO-87449.


Theoretische und empirische Beitraege zur Verwahrlosungsforschung. By Klaus

Uartmann. 2., neubearb. £ erweiterte


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