Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1486

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AFO—87370 — AFO-87412
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Zarys krystaloqtaf ii. By Tadeusz Penkala. yyd. 2. zmienione. Poland. 466 p. Panstvove Uydauuictuo Naukove; 27NOV76: APO-87378.


The Physicians, and other tities. Australia. 512 p. (Reader's Digest condensed books) Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Header's Diqest condensed books. Unz compilation & additional material. 6 Reader's Digest services* Pty. Ltd.; iaNo»76: AFO-87379.


Beethoven und die Schveiz: zum 150. Todestag Beethovens. By Samuel Geiser«  Vorwort von yehudi Henuhin. Switzerland. 2<t8 p. Eotapfel-Verlag, A.G. ; 18Nov76; AFO-87380.


Contemporary aspects of philosophy. Edited by Gilbert Byle. England. 300 p. Q Board of Management of the Foster and Hills Scholarships. Oxford University: 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-87381.


Cancer chemotherapy; its role in the treatment strategy of hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. By Albert Clarysse, Yvon Kenis & Georges nathe. West Germany. 566 p. (Becent results in cancer research, vol. 53) Translation of la Chimiotherapie des cancers. SH: translation. 6 Springer- Verlag; 30Nov76: APO-87382.


The Foundations of cybernetics. By F- H. George. Great Britain. 286 p. O Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 28Dec76; AFO-87383.


Mycenaean Greece. By James Thomas Hooker. England. 316 p. O J. T. Hooker; 6Jan77: AFO-87384.


Genmanipulation und Gentherapie. By Walter Klingmueller. Best Germany. 345 p. C Springe r- Ve rlag ; 13Dec76; AF0-873a5.


Hatematyka uyzsza z elementaml zastosovan w ekonomii. By Henryk Krynski. Uyd. 2., zmienione £ uzupeluione. Poland. 321 p. e Panstuoae Uydaunictuo Maukove; 30Dec76; APO-87386.


nusik in der Sozialpaedagogik; dargestellt am Beispiel Bandgruppenarbeit. By Almut Seidel. West Germany. 165 p. (Oaterialien zur Didaktik und Hethodik des Musikunterrichts, Bd. 5. Hrsq. von Siegmund Helms, Norbert Linke e Georg Sebscher) Breitkopf und Haertel; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-87387.


Tonleiterstudien fuer Fortgescbrittene: Blockfloete in F. By Eudolf Barthel S Friedemann Fischer. West Germany. 27 p. MM: new text 6 compilation. C Hein- richshofen's Verlag (Sirius-Edition) ; 150ct76; AFO-87388.

AFO- 87389.

Sinfonia nummer 1 per orchestra. Op. 1 (1962-63) By Robert Hittinger. Eevidierte Fassung. 1976. West Germany. 207 p. e Breitkopf und Haertel; 10ct76: AFO-87389.


Kinder-Klavierschule. 2. T. By Gertrud Keller. Switzerland. 48 p. SB: instructions G compilation. <3 Hein-


Studien zu Franz Schmidt. 1. Hrsg. im Auftrag der Franz Schmidt-Gemeinde von Otto Brusatti. Austria. 188 p. Universal Edition, A.G.; 30Dec76; AF 0-8739 1.


Musik im Spiegel der Zeit: synchro- noptische Tafeln zur Musikgeschichte Europas mit einem lexikalischen Personen- und Sachverzeichnis. By Friedrich Saathen. Austria. 47 p. 6 Universal Edition, A.G.; 30Dec76 (in noti-.e: 1975); AFO- 87 39 2.


Der Uusikalische Futurismus Aesthe- tisches Konzept und Auswirkungen auf die Uoderne. Hrsg. von Otto Kolleritsch. Austria. 132 p. O Universal Edition, A.G.; 20Dec76; 4F0-87393.


Coronarinsuffizienz, Pathophysiologie und Anaesthesieprobleme bei der Coro- narchirurgie; Bericht des Workshops am 23. und 30. Juni 1975 in D uessel do rf /Am- sterdam. Hrsg. von Hartin Zindler 6 E. Purschke. West Germany. 166 p. (Anaesthesiologie und Hiederbelebung, Bd. 102) Springer-Verlag; 9Feb77 ; AFO-87394.


Fettemulsionen in der parenteralen Ernaehrung; Symposium im Juni 1976 in Stockholm. Hrsg. von A. Wretlind, Eudolf Frey, K. Eyrich £ H. Makowski. West Germany. 222 p. (Anaesthesiologie und Wiederbelebung, Bd. 103) O Springer- Verlag: 31Jan77; AFO-87395.


Die Akute normo — volaemische Haemo- dilutxon in klinischer Anuendung. By Adolf Johannes Coburg. West Germany. 89 p. (Anaesthesiologie und Wiederbelebung, Bd. 104) (i Springer-Verlag; 1Feb77; AFO-87 396.


Kinderheilkunde. Hrsg. von Gustav-Adolf Von Uarnack. 4. neubearb. Aufl. West Germany. 394 p. Springer-Verlag: 28Jan77; AFO-87397.


Die Verletzte Hand: ein Vademecum fuer Praxis und Klinik. By Hans fieiner Hittelbach. 3. ueberarbeitete Aufl. West Germany. 273 p. e Springer-Verlag; 21Jan77; AFO-87398.


Algebraic K-Theory; proceedings of the conference held at Northwestern Uni- versity, Evanston. January 12-16, 1976. Edited by Michael B. Stein. Best Germany. 409 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 551) Appl. au: 4. O. Kuku £ H. W. Lenstra. Springer-Verlag; 24Nov76; 4F0-87399.


Approximation Theory: proceedings of an international colloquium held at Bonn, Germany, June 8-11. 1976. Edited by Eobert Schaback £ Karl Scherer. West Germany. 466 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 556) German £ English. Appl. au: K. Boehmer. O Springer-Verlag; 29SOV76: AFO-87400.


Fossil algae: recent results and developments. Edited by Erik Fluegel. West Germany. 375 p. Lectures presented at the First International Symposium on Fossil Algae held at the University of Erlangen. Nuernberg, Oct. 1975. Appl. au; B. Abate. 6 Springer-Verlag; 7Feb77; 4F0-87401.


Informatics and medicine: an advanced course. Edited by P. L. Eeichertz £ Gerhard Goos. West Germany. 712 p. (Medizinische Informatik und Statistik, Bd, 3) English £ German. Appl. au: K. Alber £ J. Anderson. Q Springer-Verlag; 28Jan77: AFO-87402.


Differential geometrical methods in mathematical physics; proceedings of the symposium held at the University of Bonn. July 1-4, 1975. Edited by Konrad Bleuler £ Axel Seetz. West Germany. 576 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 570) Appl. au: D. J. Simms £ K. Gauedzki. e Springer-Verlag; 31Jan77; AFO-87403.


Come fare da se manuale delle ripa- razioni. Italy. 532 p. Add. ti: Eepair manual. Original ti.; Header's Digest repair manual; the complete guide to iiome maintenance. NM: translation. Q Selezione dal Header's Digest, S. P. A. ; 12Jan77; AFO-87404.


Politique locale des transports. By Francois Troger, pref. de Hubert Dubedout. France. 191 p. e Les Editions ouvrieres; 13Jan77: AFO-87405.


L'Imaginaire au pouvoir ; les enfants & la litterature fantastigue. By Jacqueline Held. France. 282 p. Les Editions Ouvrieres; 10Jan77; AFO-87406.


Kruistocht der liefde, and other titles. The Netherlands. 478 p. (Bet Beste boekj Prev. pub. in Header's digest condensed books. UA: Dutch language translation. Q Uitgeversmaatschappij the Eeader's Digest, N.V.; 9Dec76; AFO-87407.


Six songs. By Nicholas Lanier, edited by Edward Huws Jones. United Kingdom. 15 p. NM: compilation, editorial revision, introd. £ textual commentary. 6 Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 31Dec76: APO-87408.


Orlando di Lasso; Versuch eiaer Bestandsauf nahme der biographischen Einzelheiten. Bd. 1: sein Leben. By Uorst Leuchtmann. West Germany. 334 p. O Breitkopf und Haertel; 60ct76; AFO-87409.


L* Album des jeunes de Selection du Header's Digest. France. 255 p. Prev. pub. in Header's digest £ Header's digest condensed books. NM: French translation, revisions £ additions. 6 Selection du Eeader's Digest, S. A. ; 10Sep76; AFO-87410.


Solid-state physics. Contributions by Ealf Oornhaus. Guenter Nimtz fi Wolfgang Bichter. West Germany. 279 p. (Springer tracts in modern physics, vol. 78J e Springer-Verlag; 23Dec76; AFO-87411.


Selection du Header's Digest; Paris- Fren-h ed. Vol. 61. no 3, mars 1977. Hedacteur en chef: Holand Harari £ other editors. France. 265 p. Appl. au: Selection du Header's Digest. S.A. Portions prev. pub. in Header's digest. NM: French translation £ additions. 9 Selection du Eeader's Digest, S.A.;

24Feb77; AFO-87412.


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