Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1455

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AF45842 — AF45878
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Selected short stories. By Hoooce De Balzac* selected £ translated with an iutrod. by Sylvia Baphael. United Kingdom. 270 p. NH: translation, selection G intcod. Syl>ia Baphael: 2«Feb77; AF45842.


The Penguin dictionary o£ physics. Editor: Valerie 8. Pitt. United Kingdom. 1*28 p. Abridgment of Longman's A Nev dictionary of physics, pub. 1975. uith some entries from the original ed. , Dictionary of physics, pub. 19S8. SB: editorial revisions. O Laurence Ordang Associates, Ltd.; 2<4Feb77: AF45843.


Tangrao: the ancient Chinese shapes game. By Joost Elffecs, translated by fi. J. Hollingdale. United Kingdom. Kit. Prev. pub. 197J. on translation: £. J. Hollingdale: 2SNov76: AF45844.


IBM system/370 direct S.B.I.F.T. link--custoBer information control system/virtual storage programming fiPQ P7 1 036: description and operations manual, program no. 5799-APB (CICS/OS/»3) 2nd ed. Denmark. 423 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBa Germany. International Business Machines Corporation: 11Hay77: AF4S845.


Change management/traclting (Ca/T) , DP accounting for las/VS (DPA) , service level reporter (SLfi) : program reference manual. Denmark. Sheets (336 p.) (Installation man&qement) Appl. au: I Bfl Sueden. International Business nachlnes Corporation; 18(lay77; AF45846.


DL/1-entry DOS/VS data language/l-entry DOS/VS. Denmark. 21 p. & sheets (40 p.) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Machines Corporation: 1bMay77: AF45847.


DL/1 DOS/VS data language/l DOS/VS. Denmark. 24 p. G sheets (45 p.) Appl. au: IBB France. International Business Machines Corporation: 16May77: AF45848.


IBM system/370 interactive financial system 1; program reference manual, program no. 5746-F52 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 1 V. (IBM/technical newsletter, no. SII12-5108J Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: revisions G updating. O International Business Machines Corporation; 23May77; AF45849.


IBM system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data language/I (STAIBS-DL/I) : program logic. Vol. 2: online subsystems, program no. 5740-XB7. Denmark. 267 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines corporation: 28Apr77; AF45850.


IBM system/370 (OS/VS) storage and information retrieval system — data lanquage/I (SIAIBS-DL/I) : program logic. Vol. 1: batch data base creation and maintenance, macro services, interfaces, program no. 5740-HB7. Denmark. 242 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 28Apr77; AF45851.


IBM system/370 direct S.U.I. F.I. link- information management system/virtual storage programming BPQ P71 039; description and operations manual, program no. 5799-APC (IMS/VS) Denmark. 413 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 17May77; AF45852.


IBM system/370 direct S.B. I.F.I, link (DSL) programming BPQ's: P71 038 (CICS/VS) , P71 039 (IMS/VS): application programmer's guide, program no. 5799-APB (CICS/03/VS) , 5799-APC (IMS/VS) Denmark. 125 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. 6 International Business Machines corporation: 11May77; AF45853.


3750 switching system; application programmers' guide. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GS 11-8233) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions 6 updating. International Business Machines Corporation, alternate desig- nation: IBM Corporation; 3flay77: AF45854.


IBM maintenance library 3619 models AO 1, B01, B02, and BO 3 administrative terminal printer: maintenance information. Denmark. 5 p. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN 19-6298) Appl. au: IBM Germany. tin: suppl. International Business Machines Corporation, alternate desig- nation: IBM Corporation; 9Bay77: AF45855.


change management/tracking (CH/I) , DP accounting for IMS/VS (DPA), service level reporter (3LB) ; general information manual. 2ud ed. Denmark. 60 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. O Int rnational Business Machines Corporation; 11nay77; Af45«56.


DL/1-entry DOS/VS data lauguag^l-entry DOS/VS. Denmark. 2 1 p. £ sheets (40 p.) Appl. au: IBM France, o International Business Machines Corporation; 16Hay77; AF45857.


DL/1 DOS/VS data language/1 DOS/VS. Denmark. 24 p. G sheets (45 p.) Appl. au: IBM France. e International Business Machines Corporation a.k.a. IBM Cor- poration (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 29Apr77; AF45858.


3750 switching system. Vol. 2: 3751 controller unit, book 1; central- processing log ic/chanuel/s to rage/channel selection logic theory of operation. 3rd ed. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 25Apr77: AF458S9.


Papua Mew Guinea: initiation and independence. By Donald Mark Hoolfocd. Australia. 268 p. C University of (Queensland Press; 17jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45860.


Library looking-glass: a personal anthology. By David Cecil. Great Britain. 299 p. e David Cecil; 270ct75; AF45S6 1. (1976 reprint, deposited)


Yoga, tantra och meditation i min vardag. Av Janakananda Saraswati, fotografier: Chris Stuhr. Sweden. 112 p. 6 Janakananda Saraswati G Chris Stuhr; 310ct7S; AF45862.


ale. T. 1: bases fondamentales. By Michel Chateau 6 others. 5. ed., entierement refondue. France. 418 p. Julien Prelat; 30May75; AF45863.


Belief, language, and experience. By aodney Heedham. Great Britain. 269 p. O fiodney Needham; 15Dec72; AF45864.


The Canterbury tales. By Geoffrey Chaucer, an illustrated selection rendered into modern English by Nevill Coghill. United Kingdom. 373 p. HM: compilation & additional translations. C Nevill Coghill; 31Mar77: AF45865.


Unity Mitford, a guest. By David Pryce-Jones. England. 276 p. DM: text 6 compilation of photos. O David Pryce- Jones; 140ct76; AF45866.


Goldengirl. By Peter Lear, pseud, of Peter Lovesey. England. 377 p. Peter Lovesey; 23Jun77; AF45867.


filch and poor countries. By Hans U. Singer G Javed A. Ansari. Great Britain- 228 p. (Studies in economics, 12) O George Allen and Uuwin (Publishers) Ltd.; 1Feb77; Af 45868.


Homosexuals in history; a study of ambivalence in society, literature and the acts. By A. L. Bowse. England. J4b p. MM: text £ compilation ot illus. O A. L. Bowse; 12Apr77; AF45869.


Guide to the Moon. By Patrick Moore. Great Britain. J20 p. MM: revisions fi updating. O Patrick Moore; 26Aug76; AF45B70.


Geotechnology ; an introductory text for students and engineers. By Albert F. Boberts. Great Britain. 347 p. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; ieApr77: AF45871.


The Canadian left; a critical analysis. By Norman Penner. Canada. 287 p. Prentice- Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 13Jun77;



This law of ours; teacher's guide. By Patrick Fitzgerald G Bichard Vernham. Canada. 189 p. C Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 7Jun77; AF45873.


Indonesia. By Donald yifred Fryer G James Charles Jackson. England. 313 p. O Donald u. Fryer £ James c Jackson; 12May77; AF45874.


Wind without rain. By Gordon McDonell. England. 159 p. O Gordon McDonell; 11JU163; AF4587S.


Heritage of the Pharaohs: an intro- duction to Egyptian archaeology. By John Buffle. Great Britain. 224 p. O Phaidon Press. Ltd.; 26May77; AF45876.


Joachim of Fiore and the prophetic future. By Marjorie Beeves. Great Britain. 212 p. O Harjorie Beeves; 25NOV76: AF45877.


The Bachelor party. By Hal Hickman.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.