Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1454

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AF45809 — AF45841
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Chanqe nanaqenieDt/tirackinq (CB/T) , DP accountinq for IHS/VS (DPA) , service level reporter (SLH) messages and Abend codes. Denmark- 82 p. (Installation management) Appl. au; IBM Sweden. © International Business Uachines Corporation; 11May77; AF45809.


Ersatzteil-Disposition fner Kfz-Haendler IBH Svstem/32; Lizenzprogtamm Proqramm- /Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5797-BCS. West Germany. 108 p. (Branchen- anHendnnqsprogramo BAP) & IBM Deut- schland. G.H.B.H.; 15Aug76; AF45810.


IBB system/370 DOS/VS continuous process plant scheduling system (CPPS-DOS/VS) program reference manual progcammiog BPQ 7S-0150; program no. 5799-ANJ. Denmark. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN19-1081) Appl. au: IBM France. BM: revisions & updating. Q International Business Machines Corporation a- d. : IBM corporation; 20Apr77; AF45811.


Lokovo Lohn- und Gehaltskorrektur der Vormonate mit dem IBM 3ystem/3; Lizen- zproqramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DEN. West Germany. 30 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsproqramm SAP) 6 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H. ; 15Sep75; AF45812.


i-ohnsteuerunterprogramm 1975 £uer IBB System/3; Lizenzprogramni Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DDZ. Best Germany. 21 p. (Spezielles AnwenduDgsprogcama SAP) NM: updating. IBH Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 28Feb75; AF45813.


IBM Teachware 0S/»S1 System-Konsol- Bedicnunq; Lizenzproqramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 57e8-DEJ. 2. Ausg. West Germany. 2 9 p. (Spezielles Anwendun- gsproqcamm SAP) O IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 22Mar76 (in notice; 1975); AF45814.


Lohnsteuerunterprogramm 1975 fuer IBB System/3ti0-20; Lizeuzprogramm Proqramm- /Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DEG. 2. Ausg. West Germany. 27 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsproqramm SAP) 3 IBB Deutschland, G.M.B.H. ; 30Jun75; AF45815.


Gehalts- und Lohnabrecbnung fuer den Handel (GtH) mit dem IBB System/3; Lizeuzprogramm Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch Proqramm-Nr. 5788-DCF. 2. Ausg. Best Germany. 231 p. (spezielles Anwen- dungspcogramm SAP) @ IBM Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 30Jun75; AF45816.


IBM system/370 strategy evaluator and planning system- production (steps- production) program reference manual; program no. 57it6-iX2 (DOS/VS) , 5740-XXB (OS/VS) 2nd ed. Denmark. 310 p. (Program product) Appl. aii: IBM France. @ International Business Bachines corporation; 16Bar77; AF45817.


S.H.I.F.T. Anwendungsprogramm fuer den IBM System/7-TP-monitor; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5797-ADX. West Germany. 1 v. (Branchen- Anwen- dungsproqramm BAP) @ IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.: 15Feb77; AF45818.


Basic animation stand techniques. By Brian G. D. Salt. Great Britain. 239 p. e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 28Bar77; AF45819.


The Characteristics of mechanical engineering systems. By Boy Holmes. Great Britain. 157 p. e H. Holmes; 28Mar77; AF'J5820.


Industrial energy conservation; a handbook for engineers and managers. By David A. Beay. Great Britain. 358 p. e D. A. Beay; 28Bar77; AF45821.


Jones's Animal nursing. Editor: Bruce V. Jones. Fully rev. 2nd ed. Edited by B. S. Pinniger, for the British Small Animal Veterinary Association. Great Britain. 196 p. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. e British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 13Sep7 6; AF4582 2.


Jones's Animal nursing. Editor: Bruce V. Jones. Fully rev. 2nd ed- Edited by B. S. Pinniger, for the British Small Animal Veterinary Association. Great Britain. 496 p. Appl- au: B. N. Smith. @ on illus. in chap. 1; B. N. Smith; 13Sep76; AF45823.


Daniel C'Connell and his world. By B. Dudley Edwards. Great Britain. 112 p. Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 4Aug75; AF45824.


Bobert Louis Stevenson and his world. By David Daiches. Great Britain. 128 p. David Daiches; 290ct73; iF45825.


Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie; vierte Auflage, drittes 6 viertes Erqaenzuuqswerk; die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd- 18, T. 8. Hrsq. vom Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Bitwirkung von Oskar Heissbach £ others. West Germany. p. 7017-7826. Appl. au: Beiistein Institut der Organischen Chemie, employer for hire. O Springer-Verlag; 17Dec76; AF45826.


Goelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. Ergaenzungsuerk zur 8. Aufl. Bd. 37, T. 10: Borverbindungen. Bedakteure dieses Bandes; Kurt Niedenzu fi Karl- Christian Buschbeck- West Germany. 272 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie. 6 Springer-Verlag; 30NOV76; AF45827.


Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie; vierte Auflage, drittes £ viertes Ergaenzungswerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd. 18, T. 9- Hrsg. vom Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Bitwirkung von Oskar Heissbach £ others. West Germany- p. 7 829-8667. Appl. au: Beiistein Institut der Organischen Chemie, employer for hire. Springer-Verlag; 16Feb77; AF45828.


The Complete book of knitting, crochet and embroidery. Consultant editor: Pam Dawson. Great Britain- 480 p- Appl. au: Marshall Cavendish Publications, Ltd. BB: editorial revisions. © Barshall Cavendish Publications, Ltd. (in notice: Barshall Cavendish, Ltd.) ; 210ct76 (in notice: 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977); AF45829.


Quantum Dynamics: Bodels and Bathe- matics. Edited by Ludwig Streit. Austria. 239 p. (Acta physica Austriaca, supplementum 16) Proceedings of the symposium held at Bielefeld University, west Germany, Sept. 8-12, 1975. Appl. au: Erling Stoermer £ H- J. Borchers. e Springer-Verlag; 15Dec76; AF45830.


International economic review. Vol. 17, no. 3, Oct., 1976. Editors: Eobert A. Pollak £ Ken-ichi Inada. Japan. 1 v. Q Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania fi the Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Besearch Association; 10ct76; AF4 5831.


LOKOVO lohn- und Gehaltskorrektur der Vormonate mit dem IBB System/3; Lizeu- zprogramm Programm— /Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Br. 5788-DEN. West Germany. 41 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) 6 IBB Deutschland, G.B. B. H. ; 15Sep75; AF45832.


Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung fuer die Industrie (LGI) mit dem IBM System/3; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Br. 5788-DCB. 2. Ausg. West Germany. 70 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 30Bay75: AP45833.


Process industry data base design guide. Denmark. 102 p. Appl. au: IBB Germany. 3 International Business Bachines Corporation a.ic.a. IBB £ IBB corporation (in notice: International Business Corporation); 18Apr77; AF45834.


BASXC language reference manual. 6th ed. Denmack. 102 p. (CALL) Appl. au: IBB United Kingdom, Ltd. O International Business Machines Corpocatioo: 21Apj:77i AF45835.


IBM system/370 strategy evaluator and planning system — production (steps- production) general information manual; program product 5746-XX2 (DOS/VS), 5740-XXB (OS/VS) 3rd ed. Denmark. 33 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBM Prance. @ International Business Bachines corporation; 4Feb77j SF45836.


IBB system/370 DOS/VS continuous process plant scheduling system (CPPS-DOS/VS) operations guide; programming BPQ 7S-0150, program no. 5799-ANJ. 2nd ed. Denmark. 38 p. (Program) Appl. au: IBM France. @ International Business Machines Corporation; 14Apr77; AF45837.


Abrechnung in Kf z-Haendler-Betrieben mit dem IBM System/32; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5797-NHE. lest Germany. 431 p. (Branchen- Anwendungsprogramm BAP) 3 IBM Deut- schland, G.B.B.H.; 15Feb76; AF458J8.


A Little who's zoo of mild animals. By Conrad Aiken, illustrated by John Vernon Lord. England. 1 v. C on illus.; John Vernon Lord; 14Apr77; AF45839.


The Analysis of response in crop and livestock production- By John L- Dillon. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 213 p- 6 John L. Dillon; 25Feb77; AF45840.


Elements of experimental stress analysis; SI ed. By A. W. Hendry. Great Britain. 193 p. BM: conversion of measurements to S.I. units. 6 Pergamon

Press, Ltd.; 7Mar77; AF45841.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.