Page:CTRL0000034610 - Deposition of Keith Kellogg, Jr., (Dec. 14, 2021).pdf/9

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Excellent. And that's exactly what you explained to me before. I just want to confirm that.

And nothing has changed since then, nothing in your personal accounts or personal phone that you're aware of?


No. I went back and looked through it and the answer was no. I didn't see anything there. That was it.


All right. So I want to start with a little background --


The reason why -- let me just explain.




The reason why is we were not allowed access in the White House or the computers we -- that I used were not allowed. You couldn't cross load. You couldn't, for example, go to a Gmail account or an AOL account. You had to strictly stick with your government account. So there was no way that you could've, you know, crossed ref'ed any of that stuff.

So that's the reason I said that. But I went back through and looked to, just in case, the accounts and I didn't see anything on it.

Q Okay. Very good. All right.

So to start a little bit with your background.

Where did you grow up, General?


I grew up in Long Beach, California. Born there. Went to college in Santa Clara University because I was an alternate to West Point and did not get in the academy. That was probably a smart move, probably helped me. It helped the guy that went.

And then from there went into the military. From the military, spent 30 -- almost 33 years in the military. Left the military in early 2000 -- 2003 -- and then went into the business world. Spent about 10 years in the business world. And then got involved