Page:CTRL0000034610 - Deposition of Keith Kellogg, Jr., (Dec. 14, 2021).pdf/8

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The Witness. Okay.

Mr.   Okay. So that letter from the White House will be entered as exhibit No. 17.

So I'll have you flip -- if you need some time to look at that.

The Witness. No.

Mr.   Have you seen that before?

Mr. Coale. Yeah.


BY MR.  

Q So exhibit No. 1, we'll just start there, that is a subpoena that was sent to you, General Kellogg, from the select committee. And so just to be clear and for the record, you understand that you're appearing pursuant to the subpoena dated November 5th today?

A Yes.

Q And we've discussed this before, you and I have, General Kellogg, before Mr. Coale was retained as your attorney. I understand that you've thought about and searched for documents that are responsive to the select committee's subpoena and the schedule that was attached to the subpoena and that you don't have anything to produce, correct?

A I do not. And like I explained to you,  , that there are, I believe, some documents that are probably in the Archives and also didn't take any of that with me. And then the other was there may have been some things on my official phone, because that's the only phone I used to carry when I went to West Wing travel.

But that's all I would've known. But, I mean, as I said before, you're welcome to get it. But, no, I don't have any of that.