Page:CTRL0000034610 - Deposition of Keith Kellogg, Jr., (Dec. 14, 2021).pdf/4

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1 committee.

2 Mr. Coale. Okay.

3 Mr.  : This is an executive session of the select committee, which mean

4 it's confidential.

5 Mr. Coale. Okay. Thank you.

6 Mr.  . So in the room today, myself. I'm . I'm a senior

7 investigative counsel to the select committee. On my left is , also senior

8 investigative counsel.   is on my right. He's the chief investigative counsel

9 for the select committee. We have , who is staff here with the select

10 committee.

11 And the, like a said, we may have others join either in person or via Zoom, and I'll

12 announce their presence if they come.

13 So to your question earlier, under the House deposition rules neither the

14 committee members nor staff can discuss the substance of the testimony you provide

15 today unless the committee approves its release. And you'll have an opportunity to

16 review the transcript after we're done.

17 Mr. Coale. Okay.

18 Mr.  . A few ground rules.

19 We're going to follow the House deposition rules that we provided with the

20 subpoena. Under the House deposition rules, counsel for other persons or government

21 agencies cannot attend, but you are allowed to have your attorney present.

22 And, Mr. Coale, you are here today.

23 There is an official reporter transcribing the record of this deposition, so we'd ask

24 that you please wait until each question is completed before you begin your response.

25 And we'll try to wait until your response is complete before we ask our next question.