Page:CTRL0000034610 - Deposition of Keith Kellogg, Jr., (Dec. 14, 2021).pdf/3

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2 Mr.  . All right. Good morning. It is 10:02, and we are on the record.

3 This is a deposition of retired General Keith Kellogg conducted by the House Select

4 Committee to investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol pursuant to

5 House Resolution 503.

6 So at this time I'd like to ask the witness, General Kellogg to please state your full

7 name and spell your last name for the record.

8 The Witness. Full name is Joseph Keith Kellogg, Jr. Last name, K-e-l-l-o-g-g.

9 Mr.  : Excellent. Thank you.

10 And this will be a staff-led interview -- or deposition, rather -- and members may

11 join. If they do, it'll likely be via Zoom here. Right now, we have a few staff participants

12 over Zoom, including our chief clerk, as well as other members of the select committee.

13 If they do join, I will try to announce that so you know that they are here, and also they'd

14 be listed on the right-hand side.

15 Of course, if they do join, they may ask questions as well, and we'll give time for

16 members of the staff in this room, as well as those participating via Zoom, to ask those

17 questions.

18 Mr. Coale. I have a question.

19 Mr.  : Yes, sir.

20 Mr. Coale. How public is all this? I mean, is it closed to the public? Open?

21 What?

22 Mr.  : Mr Coale, that's a great question. This is a House deposition, so

23 it's done pursuant to the House rules. This is all behind closed doors, so to speak. It's

24 private. It can be released if the committee and the chairman decide to release the

25 transcript. That's something that would have to go through official action of the