Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/465

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the Fine Arts at Ghent. In 1810 he went to Munich, where he was employed by the King and Queen and the Duke of Leuchtenberg in painting cabinet pictures for their private collections, and for the Gallery at Schleisslieim. His paintings, which are principally landscapes, water-falls, and old monu- ments of his native country, are held in high esti- mation. In the Cassel Gallery is a view of the St. Salvator Platz, Munich (1819).

He etched also several plates, partly after J. Both, partly from his own designs. In 1817 he was made a member of the Academy at Antwerp. He, however, established himself at Munich, and was an honorary member of the Academy there. He died in 1831, at the Castle of Leitheira near Donauworth.

COGET, JozEF AxT0ON,wasan engraver, probably a Fleming, who lived about the year 1650. Le Blanc calls him in error Cochet. By him we have: Time crowning Industry and punishing Idleness ; after Eubens.

Portrait of David Beck, the painter ; after himself.

COGHETTI, Francesco, was bom at Bergamo in 1804, and instructed in painting by Diotti di Casalmaggiore. He went afterwards to Rome, where he became a disciple of Camuccini, and studied the works of Raphael. He presided for many years over the Academy of San Luca at Rome, and was the representative of classic art in the early part of the 19th century. He died at Rome in 1875. His best works are as under : Bergamo. Gallery. Two Altar-pieces.

Mo"a7hi. } S'*^"'^ fre.scoes. „ Cathedral. Frescoes (in the cujw!a)- Bome. Tllla Torlonia. Scenes from the life of Alex- ander. „ „ The Four Elements. „ „ The Triumph of Bacchus. „ „ The Battle of the Amazons. Porto Maurizio. Church. The Assumption. Savona. Cathedral. The Martyrdom.

COGNIET, Leon, was born in Paris in 1794, and Btudied art under Gu^rin. In 1817 he obtained the first 'grand pris de Rome,' and painted for some time in that city. He then settled in Paris, and devoted himself to teaching, and to the production of historical works, which earned for hira much praise mingled with a certain amount of adverse criticism. He was appointed Professor of Drawing in the Lyceum of Louis le Grand and in the Poly technic School. He died in Paris in 1880, having been a member of the ' Acadtoie des Beaux-Arts' since 1849. The following are his principal works:

Metabus. King of the Volscians, expelled by his subjects ( painted in Rome in 18-2). Marius in the Kuius of Carthage. 1824. Kuma (I'urned, in the Palace of the Conseil d'Etat, duriny the Commune). The Mas.^acre of the Innocents. 1824. The Charity of St. Stephen {in the Church of St. A'icolas- des-Champs, Paris). The National Guard marching to join the army in 17P2 (at Versailles). 1836. The Battle of Rivoli {at Versailles). The Battle of Limburg {at Versaiiles). An Angel annouuciug the Resurrection to the Magdalen {in the Jfadeleine, Paris). A Scene at the Barricades. 1830. Tintoretto painting his dead Daughter (in the Bordeaux Museum). One of his best works. 1845. In addition to the above, he executed, among other portraits, those of Marshal Maison, Louis Philippe in his youth, and the painter Guerin, and also painted at Versailles, in conjunction with rhilippoteaux, Karl Girardet, Vignon, Guyon, and other artists, episodes in the campaign of Egypt.

COGNIET, Marie Amelie, who was bom in Paris in 1798, studied under her brother, L^on Cogniet, and exhibited from 1831 to 1843. Slie painted genre subjects and portraits, and died in ! Paris in 1869. The Lille Museum contains an ' Interior of a Studio ' by her.

COIGNARD, S., was a French engraver of little note, who worked in London during the early part of the 18th century, chiedy after Kneller. He hag left us some indifferent portraits, amongst which are the following : John Dryden. Sir Christopher Wren. George Parker, astrologer.

COIGNET, GiLLis. See Congnet.

COIGNET, Jules Loris Philippe, a landscape painter, was born in Paris in 1798, and who studied under Bertin. He travelled a good deal in his own country as well as in Italy and the East, and produced a considerable number of views. He holds a middle place between the Idealists and the Realists, and his work is remarkable for the com- bination of vigour and delicacy in the eifects of light and shade, for poetical feeling, for a firm brush, and occasionally for grandeur of conception. His chef-d'ceuvre is ' Tlie Ruins of the Temple of Paestum,'now in the New I'inacothek at Munich. In addition to producing many water-colours and chalk-drawings, he wrote a book on landscnpe painting, and pubhshed in 1825 a scries of sixty Italian views. He died in Paris in 1860.

COINY, Jacques Joseph, a French line-engraver, was bom at Versailles in 1761. He was a pupil of Suv^e and of Philippe Le Bas, and in 1788 went to Rome, where he stayed three j-ears. He en- graved for the government the ' Battle of JIarengo,' after the large picture of Lejeune, exhibited in 1806; but his fame rests chietly on the plates which he executed after Lefevre for the ' Lettres d'une Peruvienne ' and for ' Manon Lescaut ' in the ' Collection Bleuet.' Coiny died in Paris in 1809.

COINY, Joseph, a French line-engraver, was the son of Jacques Joseph Coiny. He was bom in Paris in 1795, and studied under his father, Gounod, and Bervic. He engraved the ' Creation of Eve ' after Michelangelo, Dante Alighieri after Raphael, and the portraits of Michallon after L. Cogniet, and of Raphael from the picture in the Florence Gallery. He died in Paris in 1829.

COLA, Gennaro di, an old Neapolitan painter, was born in 1320. He was the disciple of ilaestro Si- mone, a friend and companion of Giutto, and painted in his style. The principal works remaining of this ancient artist are, the altar-piece in the church uf Santa Maria della Pieta, representing the Mater Dolorosa with the dead Christ, and Angels holding the Instmments of the Passion; and in a chapel vf the same church, a 'Penitent Magdalen.' In the tribune of San Giovanni a Carbonara, the ' Annunci- ation' and the 'Nativity.' In the Chapel of the Crucified in Sant' Incoronata, at Naples, a ' Corona- lion of the Queen Johanna and Louis of Tarento,' a weak composition. In the Museum of that city is a 'Conception,' in the manner of a miniature

painting. It is distinguished for its warm colouring. Many other works by this painter are mentioned by Dominici. His style, like that of the I painters of his time, is laboured and dry, but not without expression. He died in 1370.