Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/464

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who flourished in the 17th century, was a native of Utrecht. He became a pupil of Van Goyen, whose works he imitated so closely that they passed for flie originals. He was received into the Guild of St. Luke at Haarlem in 1632, and was still living in 1671.

COELLO, Alonso Sanchez. See Sanchez Cuello.

COELLO, Claudio, was of Portuguese parents, but was boru at Madrid about 1621. He was there instructed in the art b_v Francisco Rizi, and executed while yet in that school an altar-piece for San PlaciJo at Madrid. His acquaintance with the court painter, Juan Careiio, procured him the per- mission to visit the roj-al collection, where he made his greatest advance by studying the works of Titian, Rubens, and Van Dyck. His friendship with Josef Donoso, under whom he studied at Rome, was not less advantageous for him. In con- junction with that artist he painted frescoes at Madrid and Toledo, and executed the Triumphal Arch for the entrance of the Queen, Maria Louisa of Orleans. By these paintings he became well known, and was employed by the Archbishop of Saragossa in 1683. He was made painter to Philip IV., by whom he was employed in the Escorial. Coello never travelled out of Spain, and his extra- ordinary talents are only known in that country. He was the last Spanish painter of eminence, as from the time that Luca Giordano was summoned to Spain, the art sank gradually to its decay. Many excellent specimens of liis ability are to be seen in the churches and convents at Madrid, Siragossa, and Salamanca. But his principal work is the famous altar-piece in the sacristy of San Lorenzo, in the Escorial, representing the ' Adora- tion of the Miraculous Host.' It is an immense composition, and occupied the painter seven years. In the crowd of personages that form the pro- cession, are no less than fifty portraits, including those of the king and the principal persons of the court : it is painted with the utmost precision, j-et in a bold and masterly style, and there is a majes- tic solemnitj' in the arrangement of the whole, which suits well to the grandeur of the subject. It is a very extraordinary performance, and holds its place even by the side of the works of Titian and Rubens. The preference which w,as given to Luca Giordano, who came to Madrid in 1692, in painting the grand staircase in the Es«orial, morti- fied Coello so much that he died of vexation at Madrid in 1693.

Coello etched three plates, viz. : — ' Christ on the Cross, with the Virgin, St. Augustine, and St. Monica,' and the portraits of Charles II. and his Mother. He was the instructor of Sebastian Mufioz and Teodoro Ardnians. The following is a list of his best paintings : Buda-Pesth. Gallery. St. Joseph with the Virgin and Child. Madrid. iS. Placido. An altar-piece. „ Palace. Cartoons, representing the Fable of Cupid and Psyche, painted by Ant. Palomino. „ Museum. Assumption of the Virgin. (Two.) „ „ Portrait of Charles II. of Spain. „ ,, St. Rosa of Lima. „ ,. The Apotheosis of St. Augiistiu. Munich. Galleru. St. Peter of Alcantara. Petersburg. Hermitage. His own Portrait. „ ,, The Blagdalen.

SaTSiSOSSSL.Aiwustinian) rjy. n . l. i Church i frescoes in the cupola. Toledo. Escorial. The Adoration of the Host. (His chef-d'oeuvre.)

COELLO, Isabel Sanchez. See Sanchez Coello.

COELMANS, Jacob, a Flemish engraver, bom at Antwerp about the year 1670. He was a pupil of Cornells Vermeulen. After engraving some plates in his native city, he was engaged b}' Boyer d'Aguilles to undertake the plates for the pictures of his collection. They consisted of one hundred and eighteen prints, and form the principal works of this artist, of which the following are the most esteemed :


Olympia Maldachini, niece of Innocent X.; after Giuseppe Cesari. Paolo Veronese, a Cast ; after a picture htj himself. Vincent Koyer. seigneur d'Aguilles ; after Le Grand. Jean Baptiste Boyer ; after Hyacinthe Riyaud.


The Holy Family, with St. John embracing the Infant Jesus ; after Farmigiano. The Meeting of Jacob and Eachel ; after Michelangelo da Caravaguio. Labau giving Kachel to Jacob ; after the same. Jacob's Departure from I.abau : after Ji. Castiglione. A Company of Musicians, Dancers, &c. ; after the same. Diana and Actseon ; after Otto van Veen. A Satyr drinking, with a Nymph and a Cupid ; after TV'. ]*oussin. The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew ; after S. Bourdon. Mount Parnassus, with Minerva and Mercury ; after Le Sueur. The FHght into Egypt ; after Pujet. The Murder of the Iimocents ; after Claude Spierre. The Head of the Virgin ; after Heb. Barras.

COLN. See KOln.

COENE, CoNSTANTiNOS FiDELio, a painter of history, genre, and landscape, was born in 1780 at Vilvoorden. He first studied under Hendrik van Assche, and in 1809 removed to Amsterdam and became the pupil of Barbiers. He then went to Brussels, and in 1820 was made Professor at the Academy. His picture of ' Rubens receiving from Charles I. the sword with which he had been knighted ' gained for him the grand prize at Ghent, and is now in the Museum of that city. His ' Soldier returning from the Battle of Waterloo ' also gained him much praise. He died at Brussels in 1841.

COENE, Jean Henri de. See De Coene.

COENRADT, Lawers, who flourished about the year 1690, engraved some of the portraits for the collection of Cardinals published by Rossi. They are very indifferent performances.

COENTGEN, Georg Joseph, a painter and en- graver, was born in 1752 at Mayence. He was a pupil of his father, the engraver Heinrich Hugo C'ontgen, but removed in 1776 to Frankfort-on- the-ilain, where he painted and etched portraits and views of local events, and founded a Drawing Institution which still exists, and at which Ids wife, the flower painter Elisabetha Mund (who was born in 1752, married in 1776, and died in 1783), im- (jarted instruction. He died at that city in 1799.

COFFRE, BENotT, a French painter, who in 1692 gained the ' prix de Rome,' the subject being "Abraham sending away Hagar and Ishmacl.' He went to Denmark, where he painted the ceihngs of the castle of Fredriksborg between the j-ears 1709 and 1717.

COGELS, Joseph Charles, (sometimes called CoGELS Mabilde,) a landscape and marine painter, was born at Brussels in 1786. He studied at the Academy of Diisseldorf ; and, after spending some time in France, returned to Belgium in 1806, and was admitted a member of the Royal Society of