Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/435

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Two hundred and forty-three medals in the collection of F. Orsini.


The Annunciation. The Repose in Egypt The Virgin and ChUd, with St. John. The Crucifixion. The Mystery of the Sacrament ; 1676 ; in two sheets. Meleager and Atalanta ; circular. Venus and Adonis ; the same. The Carrousel of 1662. His own Portrait.


Christ with the Disciples at Emmaus ; after Titian ; the same subject that is so finely engraved by Jfasson, caUed the ' Table-Cloth.' A Concert; after Vomenichino ; also engraved by Pirart. The Life of bt. Brmio ; after the pictures by Le Sueur, originally in the Convent of the Carthusians at Paris ; twenty-three plates. The Xatirity ; after L. de La Hyre. The Holy Family ; after the same. Meleager presenting the Head of the Boar to Atalanta ; after the same. The Triumphal Arch for the Place Danphine; after Lebri'.n. Portrait of Eabelais ; frontispiece to the first edition of his ' Epitres,' 1651.

CHAUVIN, Pierre Athanase, a French land- scape painter, was born in Paris in 1774. He was a pupil of Valenciennes, and prssed the greater part of his life at Rome, where he died in 1832. Many of his works are in England, Russia, and Germany. A ' View in the environs of Naples ' is in the Museum of Montpellier.

CHAVANNE, Pierre Salohon Domenchin de. See DoMENcniN de Chavanne.


CHAVARITO, UOMISGO, a Spanish historical painter, was bom in Granada in 1676, and there learned the rudiments of art from Josef Risueno. He afterwards went to Rome and studied under Benedetto Luti, but returned to his native city, and died there in 1750. His works, which are chiefly in the private houses of Granada, are good in colour and in composition.

CHAZAL, AsTOiNE, a French painter of flowers and of portraits, as well as an engraver, was bora in Paris in 1793. He studied under Misbach, Bidauld, and Van Spaendonck, and became Pro- fessor of Iconography at the Jardin des Plantes. Besides portraits, flowers, and fruit, he painted a few landscapes and altar-pieces for churches. He also engraved a portrait of Cardinal La Fare. Chazal died in Paris in 1854.

CHAZAL, Charles Camille, a French painter, and son of Antoine Cljazal, was born in Paris in 1825. He studied under Drolling and Picot, and entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1842. His ' Institution of the Eucharist,' p:iint. d in 1863, is in the church of St. Louis-en-l'Iie at Paris. He died in 1875.

CHAZERAND, Claude Louis Alexandre, a French historical painter, was born at Besanjon in 1757. The Museum of his native city has some paintings and sketches by him which are not with- out merit. He died at Besan9on in 1795.

CHEDEL, QuiNTiN Pierre, a French designer and engraver, was born at ChSlons-sur-Mame in 1705. He received his earliest instruction in the studio of Le Moine, but having chosen engraving as his profession, he after^vards became a pupil of Laurent Cars. His talent in designing and engrav- ing vignettes caused liim to be much employed by the booksellers of Paris. His plates are etched vilh great spirit, and sometimes finished ^-ith the graver in a style of unusual ability. He died at Paris in 1762. Among his numerous works the best known is the series of illustrations after Boucher to Duclos' romance, ' Acajou et Zirphile " ; the following are also deserving of notice :


A set of six Landscapes ; dedicated to Madame de Pom-padour. Six plates of Battles ; dedicated to Coimt Turpm de Ceisse. The Village Wediling. and the Village Feast. Two Landscapes with Euins, called 'Les Ruiues de Cumes.'

SUBJECTS AFTER N'ARIOUS MASTERS. Four of Attacks of Cavalry ; after Van derJfeuleit. Four of Landscapes with Kuius ; after Boticher. Two of Sea-pieces with Fishermen ; after A. Willaerts. Day-break, a Landscape ; after Teniers. A Landscape, figures and horses ; after tfouicerman. A Sea-port ; after the same. The Writing School ; after OstaJe. The Reading School ; after the savie.

CHEESMAN, Thomas, a pupil of Bartolojzi, was a well-known engraver, who was bom in 1760. He worked both in stipple and in mezzotint. Among iiis best works are some portraits after Roraney, and 'The Lady's Last Stake' after Hogarth. He also exliibited water-colour drawings at the Academy. He died about 1820, the date of his last exliibition.

CHELINI. PiERO, a painter of Florence, who in the loth century executed frescoes in the Bigallo of that city, consisting of scenes from the life of St. Peter Martyr, and representations of the reception of lost children (the purpose of that building) ; these he completed in 1444. A ' Burial of Christ ' in the belfry of San Remigio is also by him.

CHENAVARD, AlMfi, a French decorative painter and draughtsman, was born at Lyons in 1798. He published ' Nouveau Recueil de Decor- ations interieures,' 1833-35, and 'Album de I'Or- neraaniste.' 1835. He died in Paris in 1838.

CHENDA, IL. See Rivabola.

CHENOIS, Claude, a French historical painter, was a native of Lorraine, and flourished at Nancy in 1527. Tlie Museum of that city possesses a picture by him which shows considerable talent.

CHENU, AUGUSTIN Fleury, a French landscape painter, was bom at Lyons about 1835. He re- ceived his art education in the Academy of his native city, and became a successful painter of snow-scenes. He died in 1875.

CHENU, Pierre, was a French engraver, born in Paris in 1718. He was a pupil of P. Le Bas, and engraved several portraits and other subjects, in a slight, agreeable style. Several of his engrav- ings were executed for the work on the Dresden Gallery. He likewise engraved some of Oudrj's designs for La Fontaine's Fables, and some plates after Eisen for the ' Christiade ' of the Abb6 de La Baume-Desdossat. He died about 1780. We have also by him the following :


Francis I., King of France ; after yiccolo dell' Albaie. Antoine Perrenot, Cardinal de GranveUe. Pierre Carlet de Champlain de Marivaux, of the French Academy. Madame Favart, actress ; after Garand. Bust of Diderot.

Count Caylus's Moniucent at St. Germain I'Auierrois.