Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/434

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he has left make ua deeply regret that the irregu- larity of his life has limited these admirable pro- ductions to a much smaller number than his uncommon facility would otherwise have secured to us. Cliatelain was much employed by Boydell, especially in engraving with Vivares the series of landscapes after Claude, Rembrandt, Guaspre, and others. Vivares being more appreciated by the public, his name was often placed on plates en- graved by Cliatelain alone, as in the case of a fine landscape after Pietro da Cortona, and another named 'The Storm,' in which Poussin has intro- duced the story of PTamus and Tliisbe. He en- graved, also for Boydell, eleven views in London and in Italy. He died in London in 177L The following list comprises his most important works : The Four Times of the Day; etched by Chatdain. afterwards finished in mezzotint by Houston. Eight Landscapes ; aftt r Gaspard Poussin. A Landscape ; after liemlrandt. Eight Views of the Lakes in Cumberland and 'West- moreland ; after Bellers. Three Landscapes ; after Fietro da Cortona, N. Poussin, and F. Jioloynese. Portrait of Crebillon. Portrait of Meunier de Querlon.

CHATELET, Claude Louis, a French painter, was born in Paris in 1753. He produced Swiss views, sea-pieces, and pastoral scenes in the style of Vernet. Examples of his work are in the Orleans Museum, the Palace at Fontainebleau, and the Cottier Collection. He embraced with ardour the cause of the Revolution, allied himself with Robespierre and the leaders of the Jacobins, and became a member of the Revolutionary Tribunal. He was arrested some months after the 9th Ther- midor, tried, condemned, and executed in Paris, May 7th, 1795.

CHATFIELD, Edward, a portrait painter, was born in 1802. He was a pupil of Haydon, and ex- hibited at the Royal Academy from 1827. He also painted some historical subjects — the ' Death of Locke ' in 1833, the ' Battle of Killiecrankie ' in 1836, and 'Ophelia' in 1837 — but his powers were not equal to such works. He wrote some articles for ' Blackwood's Magazine,' and the ' New Monthly Magazine,' and died in 1839.

CHATILLON, Charles de, a native of Doullens, was a French painter who executed a tine portrait of Napoleon I. as Emperor, of which there is an ex- cellent engraving by Audouin. This engraving is found surmounting a plate of 'The Battle of Aus- terlitz,' engraved by Duplessis-Bertaux, and finished by Bovinet.

CHATILLON, He.nri Guillacme, a French line- engraver, and professor of drawing nt the Military School of St. Cyr, was born in Paris in 1780. He was a pupil of both Girodet and Girardet. There exists a large series of lithographs of the drawings which he made for the use of his pupils. He died at Versailles about 1856. The following are con- Bidered Ids best works ;

The Madonna with the Fish ; engraved under Chatil- lon's directions from his own drawing ; after Eaphael. The Holy Family ; after Giulio Romano. (Musee Fran-9ais.) St. Michael and the Dragon ; after Raphael. Endymion ; after Girodet. An Offering to JEsculapius ; after Guerin. Angelica and Medora ; after the same.

CHATILLON, Loris de. See Chastillon,

CHATILLON, Pauline. See Gauffier.

CHAUBERT, Germain, a French painter and engraver, was born at Grisolles in 1784. Ha painted an ' Assumption of the Virgin,' and en- graved an ' Ecce Homo,' after Mignard. He was designer and engraver to the Academy of Sciences at Toulouse, and died in 1821.

CHAUDET, Antoine Denis, a distinguished French sculptor, who was also an historical painter, was bom in Paris in 1763. When at Rome he studied particularly the works of Raphael, and has left behind him a picture on the subject of '^neas and Anchises.' The edition of Racine published by Didot in 1801—1805, contains some illustrations after his designs. He was elected a member of the Institute in 1805, and died in Paris in 1810.

His wife, Jeanne Elisabeth Gabiou, was like- wise an artist of talent. She was born in Paris in 1767, and married in 1793. Her studies were made under the direction of Madame Lebrun and of her husband, and in 1799 she exhibited her best work, ' L'Education du Carlin.' She also painted some good portraits. After the decease of Chaudet she married, in 1812, M. Husson, and died in Paris in 1832.

CHAUFOURIER, Jean, a French landscape painter and engraver, was born in Paris in 1675. He married a daughter of the celebrated engraver, Gerard Edelinck, and taught drawing to Mariette. He was received into the Academy in 1735, and died at St. Germain-en-Laye in 1757. There are three of his drawings in the Louvre, and we have a set of eight landscapes engraved by him.

CHAUVEAU, Evrahd, a French painter, the son of rran9oi3 Chauveau, was born in Paris in 1660, and studied under his father and Henri Lefebvre. He was largely employed at Gaillon by Archbishop Colbert, and in 1695 went to Sweden, where he painted many ceilings and decorations for the 'palaces of the Queen and nobles. He died in Paris in 1739.

CHAUVEAU, Francois, a French painter and engraver, was bom in Paris in 1613. He studied under Laurent de La Hyre, and painted small pic- tures in the style of that master, but not meeting with mucli success, he devoted himself entirely to engraving. His first attempts were with the graver, but he soon exchanged it for the point, with which he could give more rapid expression to the creations of a lively and fertile genius. His smaller plates are much in the manner of S^bastien Leclerc, and these are his best works. He is said to have produced upwards of three thousind plates, most of which were for the illustration of books. He was received into the Academy in 1663, and, died in Paris in 1676. He was the father of Evrard Chauveau, the painter, and Rene Chauveau, the sculptor. His plates are signed FCfe.; FC in et fc. ; FC in et sc. ; F. C ; F. Ch. d. ; or with ciphers. The following are his principal works:

sets of prints. Les D(Slices de I'Esprit ; fifty plates, designed .i:.d en- graved by himself. Nineteen plates for the History of Greece. Many plates fop Benserade's translation of Ovid's ' Meta morphoses.' 1676. The Bible History ; in nineteen plates. Several plates for Tasso's ' Jerusalem.' The same for the Fables of La Fontaine. Some plates for Scarron's ' Yirgile Travesti.' Twenty-one plates for the poem of Clois.

Twelve plates for the Pucelle d'Orleans.