Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/384

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wards frequented the school of Domenico Pas- signano, at Florence. In that academy he became an able painter in fresco, and on his return to Genoa was much employed, and acquired a dis- tinguished reputation, not only in that city, but also at Rome and at Florence, where he after- wards travelled. He assisted his younger brother, Giovanni Battista Carlone, in the immense fresco work in the cathedral of the Guastato at Genoa, and was invited to Milan to paint the ceiling of the church of the Theatines, which he did not live to finish ; it was completed by his brother. He composed his subjects with facility, was a correct designer, and a master of foreshortening. The airs of his heads, though somewhat mannered, are not without grace ; and he united the intelh-gence of the chiaroscuro with a vigorous colour, perhaps more glowing than chaste. He died at Milan in 1630.

CARLONE, Giovanni Battista, an eminent painter, and the younger brother of Giovanni Carlone, was born at Genoa in 1694. He was also educated under Passignano at Florence, and after- wards joined his brother in the great works on which he was employed at Genoa. The chief result of their united exertions is to be seen in the cathedral of the Guastato at Genoa, where the three naves are painted in fresco by Giovanni Battista, assisted by his brother. In the middle and principal nave he has represented the ' Adoration of the Magi,' the ' Entrance of Christ into Jerusalem,' the ' Resurrection,' the ' Ascension,' the ' Descent of the Holy Ghost,' and the 'Assumption of the Virgin ' — a magnificent work, in which he has introduced all that could be conceived by a rich and fertile imagination. Novel and copious in his compositions, his figures are of the most graceful contour, his heads expressive of every variety of animation and beauty, with a vagueness, lucidity, and brilliancy of colouring that astonishes and charms. In the same church he painted 'The Presentation in the Temple,' and 'Christ preaching to the Pharisees.' Giovanni Bat- tista lived to the advanced age of 86, and died in 1680.

CARLOTTO. See Loth, Johaxn Carl.


CARMICHAEL, James Wilson, a marine painter, was born at Newcastle-on-Tyne about 1800. From constantly seeing so much shipping, he obtained at an early age great accuracy of drawing in this line of art, and among his earliest paintings produced a very fine picture, ' The Heroic Exploit of Admiral Collingwood at the Battle of Trafalgar,' which was placed in the Trinity House, Newcastle. His name first appears as an exhibitor in 1838, when he contributed an oil picture, ' Shipping in the Bay of Naples,' to the Society of British Artists. He exliibited at the Royal Academy both in oil and water-colours, contributing among others, in 1841, 'The Con- queror towing the Africa off the Shoals of Trafal- gar;' and, in 1843, 'The Arrival of the Royal Squadron.' He was the author of the series of ' Eng- lish Coast Views from the Mouth of the Thames to the Frith of Forth.' He resided in his native town up to about 1845, when he removed to Lon- don, where he was already known as a skilful marine painter. At the commencement of the Russian war he proceeded on board one of her Majesty's ships to the Baltic ; and on his return several of the sketches made by him during his absence were published as engravings in the ' Illustrated London News.' He afterwards re- moved to Scarborough, where he died in 1868. He published 'The Art of Marine Painting in Water-Colours' in 1859, and 'The Art of Marine Painting in Oil-Colours' in 1864.

CARMIENCKE, Johann Hermann, a landscape painter and etcher, was born at Hamburg in 1810. He went to Dresden in 1831 as a journey- man painter, and while there studied in Dahl's school. Thence he went to Copenhagen in 1834, where he studied in the Academy, and presently repairing to Leipsic, received instruction there from Schonberg. Returning to Copenhagen in 1838, he proceeded to travel as an artist in Sweden, Bavaria, and the Tyrol, visiting Italy from 1845 to 1846. He was then appointed court painter to Christian VIII., for whom he executed many works. In consequence of the war, he went in 1851 to New York, where he was well received, and admitted into the Academy of Brooklyn. Hia works were mainly groups of mountain ranges, which were very effectively rendered, and pos- sessed an excellent tone — the execution being sim- ple and true to nature. The ' Mountain Tarn ' and the ' View on the Zillerthal ' may be particularly noticed. There are thirty-five careful etchings of landscapes by him, some of which were published by the Art Association of Copenhagen in 1850 and 1851. He died at New York in 1867.

CARMONA, Ana, was the daughter of the painter Raphael Mengs, and was born at Dresden in 1751. She married the Spanish engraver Manuel Salvador Carmona, and died at Madrid in 1790. She produced some excellent portraits in pastel and miniature ; that of her husband is in the Academy of San Fernando.

CARMONA, Manuel. See Salvador Carmona.

CARMONTELLE, Lonis, originally Carrogis, was a French amateur draughtsman and engraver, and the author of the ' Proverbes dramatiques,' who was born in Paris in 1717. He was the son of one Philippe Carrogis, a shoemaker, and took the name of Carmontelle, possibly to conceal his humble birth. He produced a considerable number of portraits of eminent persons of his day, which were mostly in profile, and highly characteristic. He died in Paris in 1806. Canuontelle has left us an engraving of ' The Flower-Girl,' after Boucher, and the five following portraits engraved after his own drawings :

The Abb6 Allaire. The Baron tie Bezenval. The Duke of Orleans and his Son. Rameau, the Musician. Fran9ois Marie Axouet de Voltaire.

CARNEIRO. See Salva Carneiro.

CARNICERO, Antonio, a painter, engraver, and etcher, was born at Salamanca in 1748. He was a son of the sculptor Alexandro Carnicero. He studied at Rome, and was eventually appointed painter in ordinary to the king. He issued in 1780 at Madrid an illustrated edition of ' Don Quixote,' with engravings from his own designs, and in 1791 another work with portraits of celebrated Spaniards. There is by him in the Madrid Gallery 'A Scene on the Lake of Albufera,' and we have also by him an engraving of a bull-fight in Madrid, dated 1791. He died at Madrid in 1814. His brother Isidoro was director of the Academy in 1800.

CARNIO, Antonio, a native of Portogruaro, a district of Friuli, was the eon of an artist little