Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/383

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lie presented to the Commune of Paris a drawing representing Joseph Chalier, the tyrant of Lyons, going to execution : both of these have been en- graved. He also painted a large picture of the ' Nativity of the Virgin ' for the Cathedral of Bayonne. Caresme died in Paris in 1796. There are" in the Nantes iluseum a ' Holy Family,' and in the Bordeaux Museum a sketch of ' Bathers,' dated 1780. He engraved after his own designs, 'The Execution of the Marquis de Favras, February 19th, 1790,' and ' The Market- Women going to Versailles to compel the King to return to Paris, Oct. 5th, 1789.'

CARIANI, Giovanni Busi. See Busi Cariani.

CARL XV., King of Sweden and Nobway. See Charles.

CARL, Adolf, was a landscape painter of Altona, born in 1813. He began to learn painting as a student at Munich, but afterwards joined the school at Diisseldorf. His landscapes are distin- guished by poetical conception, graceful form, and pleasant and harmonious colouring. Most of them are from scenes in the Tyrol or Northern Italy, the natural beauties of which he rendered in a very effective manner. His chefs-d'ceuvre are the ' Lake of Nemi ' and a ' View on the Chiemsee.' He died at Rome in 1845.

CARLEVARIIS, Luca, (called Casanobrio and Luca DI CA Zenobrio, from having been patronized by the Zenobri family,) a painter and engraver, was born at Udine in 1665. He painted land- scapes, sea-pieces, and perspective views ; his pic- tures are little known, except in Venice. A Coast- scene by him is in the Berhn Gallery ; a View of the Doge's Palace, Venice, is in the Dresden Gallery ; and another Venetian scene is in the Gallery at Copenhagen. We have by him a set of a hundred neat and spirited etchings of views in Venice, which give an exact representation of the principal places in that city. He died at Venice about 1731.

CARLIER, Jan Willem, a Flemish painter, was born at Li^ge about 1638, and died there in 1675. He was a pupil of Bertholet Flemalle, and spent much of his life in France : but most of his works are at Diisseldorf and St. Petersburg. His chef- d'oeuvre is 'The Martyrdom of St. Denis,' now pre- served in the church of St. Denis, at Li6ge, the sketch for which is in the Museum at Brussels.

CARLIER, MoDESTE, a Belgian portrait and subject painter, was bom at Quaregnon near Mons in 1820. He was a pupil of Picot, and died in 1878. In the Brussels Museum there is a picture by him of ' Locusta experimenting with poison on a slave.'

CARLIERI, Alberto, was bom at Rome, ac- cording to Orlandi, in 1672. He was first a scholar of Giuseppe Marchi, but afterwards was in- Etmcted by Padre Andrea Pozzo. He excelled in painting architectural views, which he embelUshed with very beautiful historical figures. He died after 1720.

CARLINI, Aqostino, a painter and sculptor, was a native of Genoa, and went to London in early life. His work as a sculptor was much esteemed. He was one of the original members of the Royal Academy, of which he became keeper in 1783. He exhibited a portrait in oil in 1776. He died in London in 1790.

CARLISLE, Anne, was an English painter who lived in the time of Charles I., and is said by Walpole in his ' Anecdotes ' to have been admired for her copies of the works of the Italian masters She died about the year 1680.

CARLISLE, Isabella Howard, Countess of, the daughter of William, fourth Lord Byron, was born in 1721. She married, in 1743, Henry, fourth Earl of Carlisle, who died in 1758. In 1759, she married Sir William Musgrave, Bart., and died in 1795. She made several good etchings ; amongst others, copies of Rembrandt's etchings.

CARLO delle SLADONNE. See Maratt..

CARLONE, Andrea, the son of Giovanni Bat- tista Carlone, was bom at Genoa in 1639. After receiving the instruction of his father fur some time, he visited Venice, where he studied for a few years, and then returned to Genoa. His first prodifctions were some pictures at Perugia, and the Life of St. Fehcian, in the church of that saint at Fohgno. These, inferior in grace and colour to the works of his father, less happy in composition, and less elegant in design, were painted in a free, resolute, and vigorous style, with a mixture of the Venetian colouring. He went afterwards to Rome, where he changed his manner for one more noble and elevated, and so superior to his first, that Lanzi mentions it as an instance of the fallacy of forming a judgment of the merit of an artist by a partial view of his per- formances. "To judge of Andrea Carlone," siu's that author, " by his works in the church of the Gesu at Perugia, we could with difBculty be per- suaded that he was capable of producing those admirable pictures at Genoa, which Ratti numbers among the Genoese works of art most worthy of remembrance." He died in 1697. A picture of the Magdalen by him is in the UfBzi. Florence.

CARLONE, Carlo, a painter and engraver, was probably of the family of the Carloni of Genoa. Fussli, in his ' Lives of the Swiss Painters,' ob- serves that the family of Carloni, so fruitful in able artists, although generally ranged among the Genoese painters, may be legitimately claimed as originally of Switzerland. Carlo Carlone was born at Scaria, near Como, in the Milanese, in 1686. He was the son of a sculptor, who destined him for the same pursuit, but he preferred painting, and was placed under the care of Giulio Quaglio. He afterwards studied at Venice and at Rome, until he was twenty-three years of age, when he visited Ger- many, where he has left works in oil and in fresco at Ludwigsburg, Passau, Linz, Breslau, Prague, and Vienna. In the last-named city some of his allegorical representations may be seen in the Belvedere, as also a religious subject, dated 1721, on the dome of the chapel in the castle. He died at Como in 1776. Of his works as a painter little is known further than that he is said to have possessed an inventive genius and great facility. As as engraver he has left us the following plates, mostly from his own compositions :

The Conception of the Virgin. The Holy Family, with St. John kissing the Foot of Jesus. St. Charles Borromeo communicatiug the Plague- stricken. The Death of a Saint. An allegorical subject of Opulence, for a ceiling. Another subject for a ceiling, a Figure with a Crown. A Group of Children, with a Basket of Flowers.

CARLONE, Giovanni, a native of Genoa, was bom in 1590. He was the son of Taddeo Carlone, a sculptor and historical painter, who placed him under the tuition of Pietro Sorri, and he after-