Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/37

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Cainpo Marzo, Santa Marta, and other churches in Home.

ALBEKTUS, Hans CnRiSTorH, was a native of Dresden, and studied there from 1611 to 1622 with a goldsmith. We have by him a portrait of Johann SeckendorfE, rector and professor at Zwickau, en- graved from a picture painted by himself, which is considered a fine work of art. He died in 1680.

ALBIN, Eleazar, a German, whose family name was Weiss, published several works on natural history in London between 1720 and 1738. His 'Natural History of Birds' included 306 plates of birds drawn from life. He died, it is believed, about 1740. In the Gallery at Cassel there is a ' Rich Man and Lazarus ' by him.

ALBINI, Alessandbo, was bom in 15G8. Ac- cording to Malvasia, this painter was a native of Bologna, and a distinguished disciple of the school of the Canacci. He acquired great reputation by some designs he made for the funeral ceremony of Agostino Carracci. In the church of San Michele in Bosco, at Bologna, he painted a picture of ' the Sepulture of St. Valerian and St. Tibertius ; ' and one of St. Peter, St. Catherine, St. Agnes, and St. Cecilia, in San Pietro Martyro. He died in 1646. He painted chiefly in Bologna and the vicinity. Massini tells us that he also painted in Rome.

ALBONI, Paolo (called by Oretti Paolo An- tonio), %vas a Bolognese landscape painter. He was bom in 1671 (some say 1650). After practis- ing some time in Rome and Naples, he went in 1710 to Vienna, where he remained nearly thirteen years, but being deprived of the use of his right eide by an attack of paralysis, he returned to Bologna ; he subsequently painted with his left hand. He imitated the style of Ruisdael and other Dutch masters ; but his later pictures are inferior to his earlier productions. He died in 1734. He had a daugliter, Luigia Maria Rosa, who also distinguished herself as a landscape painter. She died in 1759.

ALBORESI, Giacomo, a Bolognese painter, who was born in 1632, was a scholar of Domenico Santi and Agostino Metelli. He painted historical subjects, but was more celebrated for his pictures of archi- tectural views. He worked chiefly in fresco, and in conjunction with Fulgenzio Mondini, painted for the church of SanPetronio, at Bologna, the ' Death and Canonization of St. Anthony of Padua.' In the church of San Giacomo Maggiore, he painted some subjects of perspective, in which the figures were by Bartolommeo Passarotti. He died at Bologna in 1677. He also worked in conjunction with Antonio Maria Pasio, in the cathedral at Florence.

ALBORN. See Ahlborn.

ALBRECHT, Baltuasar Adgustin, who was bom at Berg, near Aufkirchen in Bavaria, in 1687, was a pupil of Nikolaus Gottfried Stuber, and studied in Venice and Rome. On his return to his native country in 1719, he became popular as an historical painter, and was appointed court-painter and inspector of the Picture Gallery at Munich, where he died in 1765. The churches and galleries of Bavaria possess many paintings by him.

ALBRECHT, C, an obscure German engra%-er, of Berlin, mentioned by Heineken. He worked only for the booksellers, and his plates are so indifferent, that they are not considered by that author worthy of being specified.

ALBRIZZI. See Allerici.

ALCAZAR. See Paret y Alcazar.

ALDE, H. VAN. See Aldewereld.

ALDEGREVER, Heinrilh (or Alde Gravk). This celebrated artist was bom in 1502, in . . Westphalia, probably at Pader bom, where AA' his parents resided, but he lived chiefly -^ ^ at Soest. Albert Rosenberg, the latest German writer on the ' Little Masters,' considers he never was a pupil of Diirer, nor ever even visited Nuremberg, though Van Mander reports that he painted two wings for an altar-piece in a church there. His works show, however, that he was much influenced by Diirer's practice, and also by that of Barthel Beham and Georg Pencz. On his return to his own country, he applied himself at first entirely to painting ; and, according to Fussli, painted some pictures for the churches and con- vents, which have not been identified.

The following is a list of his few known paintings ;

Berlin. Mvaeum Portrait of Engelbert Therlaen. 1551. Breslau. Art Club. Portrait of Count Philipp of Wal- deck (dated 1535). Brunswick. JIuseum. Portrait of Magdalena Wittig. 1541. Prague. Museum. Christ sitting on his tomb. 1529. Vienna. Liechtenstein Portrait of a young man (dated Gallery. 15ii; perhaps his best).

After a few years he devoted himself entirely to engraving, and in that branch acquired a dis- tinguished reputation amongst those artists who are called the Little Masters, from their having generally engraved plates of a smill size. He died, it is supposed, at Soest, in 1558. His execu- tion is uncommonly neat ; he worked entirely with the graver, in a style that is evidently founded on that of Albrecht Diirer, and his plates are finished W'ith great precision and delicacy His design was full of invention, and his drawing shows more of the Italian Renaissance influence, than that of many contemporary German artists. He usually marked his plates with the cipher given above. His engravings are very numerous, exceed- ing three hundred. They bear dates from 1522 to 1555, the latest authentic date on any of his works. The following is as general a list of them as the nature of this work will admit, and comprises all his principal plates : for fuller in- formation the inquirer is referred to the minute descriptions to be found in Heineken, Bartsch's ' Peintre Graveur,' and Meyer's ' Kiinstler- Lexikon.'

PORTRAITS. Aldegrever, without a beard ; Ahleijrevers. .£tatis 28. 1530. The same, with a thick beard. .Anno 1537. .fitatis suEe 15. Bust of Martin Luther. 1540. Bust of Philip Melancthon, 1540. Albert von der Helle. 1538. Vilhehn, Herzog von Jiilich 1540. Johann van Leyden, chief of the Anabaptists. Bemhard Knipperdollinck, the fanatic.


Six — Of Adam and Eve diiven out of Paradise. 1540. Four— Of the History of Lot. 1555. Four — Of the History of Joseph and his Brethren. 1532. Seven— Of the History of Thaniar and Absalom. luJO. David and Bathsheba. 1532. The Judgment of Solomon. 1555. Judith with the Head of Holof ernes. 1528. Four— Of the History of Susannah. 1555.