Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/36

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died in 1613, and was buried with great diBtinction in the Chiesa del Popolo, attended by all the prin- cipal artists in Rome. His portrait is in the Aca- demy of St. Luke. He had a brother CosiMO, a sculptor, engraver, and painter, who died in Rome in 1596.

ALBERTI, Giovanni, brother of Cherubino Alberti, and third son of Alberto, was born at Borgo San Sepolcro, in 1558. He visited Rome in the time of Gregory XIII., and was employed by that pontiff in the papal palace on Monte Cavallo, and in the Vatican. He excelled in painting land- scapes and perspective, in which the figures were usually painted by Cherubino. He was also em- ployed by Clement VIII. to paint the sacristy of San Giovanni in Laterano, and, in conjunction with his brothers, to decorate the Sala Clementina in the Vatican. For this work, which was commenced in 1595 and completed in 1598, the two painters (Alessandro had died during the course of execu- tion) received 3050 scudi. Giovanni Alberti also laboured in his native town, in Mantua, Pe- rugia, Florence, and elsewhere. He died at Rome in 1601. His portrait is in the Academy of St. Luke, and another in the UfBzi at Florence.

ALBERTI, Giuseppe, who was bom at Cavalese, in the Tyrol, in 1664, after having studied medi- cine at Padua determined to become a painter and architect. He worked under Liberi at Venice, and further improved himself by study at Rome, and then settled at Trieste, where he executed a number of religious pictures, which may now be seen in Trent, Cavalese, and other towns in the Tyrol. He also worked in Italy, to which country ae paid a second visit. He founded a good school of painters in his own town. Alberti died at Cava- lese in 1730. His ' Martyrdom of St. Simon of Trent,' formerly in the castle of Trent, now in the Ferdinandeum at Innsbruck, is his best known work.

ALBERTI, Jean Edgene Charles, who was bom at Amsterdam in 1781, studied first in that city, then at Paris under David, and afterwards at Rome, where he copied the works of Guido and Van Dijck. He subsequently returned and settled in Paris. The date of his death is not recorded. 'Marius among the Ruins of Carthage,' painted in 1805, gained him a gold medal. Alberti engraved both from his own works and from those of the Italian masters.

ALBERTI, MicHELE, a pamter of Florence, flourished in the latter half of the 16th century. He was a disciple of Daniello Ricciarelli, called ' Da Volterra,' and was a reputable painter of history. His principal work is a picture in the church of the Trinity dei Monti, at Rome, representing the 'Murder of the Innocents,' much spoiled by restoration. Michele Alberti has, by Orlandi, been erroneously recorded as a member of the family of Alberti of Borgo San Sepolcro.

ALBERTI, PiETRO Francesco. This artist, -j-,-, the son of Durante Alberti, was born in 1584. W< He painted historical subjects in the style of 1-^ his father, and has left works in Rome and in his birthplace. He was the designer and engraver of a plate called ' Accademia de' Pittori,' a large print lengthways; a composition of many figures, etched with great spirit, and evidently the work of a painter. In Meyer's ' Kiinstler-Lexikon ' ten engravings are mentioned by him. He died in 1688 at Rome.

ALBERTINELLI, Maeiotto, the son of Biagio di Bindo Albertinelli, was bom at Florence in 1474. He was apprenticed, when j'oung, to Cosimo Rosselli, in whose studio he was a fellow-pupil with Fra Bartolommeo. In the year 1509 they entered into partnership, and painted conjoint!}' many works, some of which bear the monogram of a cross with two interlaced rings. When Fra Bartolommeo retired into monastic seclusion, his friend and partner finished several of his uncompleted works. But they again painted together from 1510 to 1513. It is related by Vasari, that Albertinelli, at one time, being enraged at some criticisms which were made on his painting, abandoned the brush and opened a public-house ; it is certain, however, that lie returned to his art again. He died at Florence in 1515, on his return from a journey to Rome. In painting he resembled Fra Bartolommeo as closely as one artist ever resembled another. He is much to be admired for the design and the chiaroscuro of his pictures. The follomng are some of his best works:

Bergamo. Lochjs. CrucifisioQ. ., Morelli. St. John and the Magdalen. Bfrlin. Museum. Assnmptioa (purt ly Fra Bartolom- meo). Camhri^geFitzu'illiain'Virgin with Christ and John the Mus. Baptist (signed and dated 1509). Florence. Accademia. Annunciation {signed and dated 1510). Holy Trinity. 1510 (?). „ Certosa. Crucifixion (signed and dated 1508). Pitti Pal. Marriage of St. Catherine. 1512 (part by Fra Bartolommeo). „ S. Maria. Last Judgment. Fresco (commenced Nuova. by Fra Bartolommeo~the partiy Albertinelli is nearly destroyed). ., Vjfizi. Visitation of the Virgin (AiiOTtM^er- piece). 1503. Paris, Louire. Madonna and Child (signed and dated 1506), formerly in Santa Trinitd, Florence. „ „ Christappearingto Mary Magdalene, Pisa. S. Catarina. Madonna and Child (part by Fra Bartolommeo). Siena. Gallery. St. Catharine. „ „ The Magdalen. Volterra. Duomo. Annunciation.

ALBERTOLLI, Giocondo, the most famous of a family of artists, was born — according to Meyer's 'Kiinstler-Lexikon' — at Bedano, in 1742. He studied at Parma under a sculptor, and also in the Academy, and at Rome from the antique ; and soon became famous for his ornamental architec- tural decorations. He was elected, in 1776, pro- fessor of ornament to the Milan Academy, but he resigned the post in 1812 on account of failing eyesight. In 1809 Napoleon made him a Knight of the Iron Crown. Albertolli was much em- ployed in decorating palaces, churches, and public buildings in Italy, and gave a new impetus to the art of ornamental design in that country. His paintings are scarce. A ' Madonna and Child ' by him is in the church of St. Roch, at Milan, in which city he died in 1840, aged 98.

ALBERTOLLI, Raffaello, a pupil of his father Giocondo, distinguished himself as an engraver in mezzotinto and etching, and executed many por- traits of eminent persons. He was born in 1770, and died at Milan in 1812.

ALBERTONI, Paolo, a follower of Carlo Maratti, painted in his style ; he died soon after 1695. There are pictures by him in the church of San Carlo in the Corso, in Santa Maria, in the