Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/345

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and was a scholar of Ercole Procaccini. In the church of San Marco he painted, in competition with his master, a picture of ' The Crucifixion, with the Virgin, Mary Magdalen, and St. John,' which picture is quite worthy of comparison with the works of Procaccini. This performance, liow- ever, he never afterwards equalled. Being much afflicted with the gout, he appears to have been unable to undertake anything with vigour; he sank into a mannerist, and contented himself with frequently repeating the same subjects. He died in 1686.

BDSCATI, Ldca Antonio, (or Busscat,) was a Bolognese painter of the 15th century. A ' Descent from the Cross ' by him is in the Ercolani Gallery at Bologna, an outline of which is given by Rosini. Zani considers him among the eminent artists of the period, and the print justifies the opinion.

BDSCH, Friedrich, a genre painter in Diissel- dorf, was born in 1808. He died in 1875. He painted many charming pieces, amongst them, 'The Spinner,' 'The Huntsman and his Sweet- heart,' and 'The Weeping Girl at the Well.'

BUST CARIANI, Giovanni, was bom at Fuipiano on the Brembo in the latter part of the 15th century. His first recorded painting with the date of 1514, and his last with the date of 1541, are both now lost. He must have possessed considerable skill in imitating the styles of the great Venetian masters, for many galleries pos- sess paintings attributed to Bellini, Giorgione, Palma Vecohio, and Pordenone which are really by Busi Cariani. Crowe and Cavalcaselle ascribe to him the two well-known Heads in the Louvre, formerly thought to be portraits of the Bellini, and still assigned to the hand of Gentile Bellini. He painted at both Venice and Bergamo, and in the latter city executed frescoes on the front of the Palace of the Podesta, a Madonna with Saints above the side portal of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, and some subjects in the Piazza Nuova, of which fragments only now remain. Only two paintings by him with dates aflSxed are known to exist: Seven Portraits in a landscape, dated 1519, in the Roncalli collection, and a Madonna and Child with patron, dated 1520, in the Casa Baglioni, both at Bergamo. The Lochis-Carrara gallery at Bergamo contains seven fine paintings by Busi Cariani ; besides which there are examples at Brescia and Berlin, and the following: Dresden. Gallery. Rachel and Jacob. UilaQ. Brera. Virgin and Child, with Angels and seven Saints.

BUSINCK, LuDWio, a German wood-engraver, was horn at Minden about the year 1590, and was working in Paris in 1640. He was the first artist in Prance who executed woodcuts in chiaroscuro, and his productions were distinguished by a spirited and masterly style. Many of his plates are after L'Alleraand, others from his own designs, as under :

FROM HIS OWN DESIGNS. Fidelity, an allegorical piece. 1630. A half-lengtli figure playing on the Flute. 1630. A Cavalier ; full-length. 1630. Two of Peasants.

IN CHIAROSCDRO; AFTER G. l'ALLEMANO. St. Peter holding the Keys; half-length. St. John and St. Matthew. Judith, with the Head of Holofernes. Moses, with the Tables of the Law. A Family of Beggars. A young Man playing on the Flute. .^neas saving Anchises from the Burning of Troy. A Holy Family, on three blocks of wood ; one for the outhue, the other for the deep shadows, and another for the demi-tiuts.

BUSO, Adrelio, was a native of Crema, and flourished about the year 1520. He studied under Polidoro da Caravaggio and II Maturino, and assisted them in several of their works at Rome. He ornamented the palace of the noble family of Benzoni, at Venice, with some friezes and other works in the style of Polidoro, and also produced many historic pictures in his native city, in the manner of his master.

BUSS, RoDERT William, was born in the parish of St. Luke, London, in 1804. His father, who was an engraver and enaineller, took him as an apprentice, and he remained in the business six years. From the strong love which he evinced for drawing, he was next placed in the studio of George Clint, A.R.A., who taught him portrait and subject painting, especially for the production of theatrical scenes. A large collection of works of this class which he executed for Cumberland, mostly as illustrations for his ' British Drama,' were in after years exhibited at the Coliseum in Regent's Park. Buss also painted a great number of pictures of a more original character, which met with much success. Amongst these were many humorous subjects, but he also produced several that evinced a study of antiquities and old customs, especially a large painting of ' Christmas in the time of Queen Elizabeth,' which was ex- hibited at the Society of British Artists, and the merit of which procured for the artist his engage- ment with Charles Knight for the illustration of his ' Shakespeare,' ' London,' ' Old England,' ' Chaucer,' and ' 'The Penny Magazine,' for all of which he prepared numerous original designs on wood. These were followed by a number of etchings upon steel, also original, in illustration of the works of Marryat, Mrs. Trollope, Harrison Ainsworth, and others. His largest works, painted for the Earl of Hardwicke, are now in the Music Saloon at Wimpole, in Cambridgeshire. They are twenty feet wide by nine high, and are entitled respectively ' The Origin of Music ' and ' The Triumph of Music' For Mr. James Haywood, M.P., he executed an interesting series of draw- ings, illustrative of ' College Life at the Universi- ties.' Buss also prepared a series of four lectures on ' Satire, Art, and Caricature,' illustrated by 300 examples, and these lectures he delivered with success at most of the literary institutions of the kingdom. He died in London in 1875. A complete list of his works was published in ' Notes and Queries' for 1875, Series V., vol. iii. Among his pictures the following may be mentioned, which have been engraved, and several of which have achieved considerable popularity :

The Bitter Morning. The Stingy Traveller. The Wooden Walls of Old England. Soliciting a Vote. The Musical Bore. The Frosty Reception. Master's Out. Time and Tide wait for no Man.

BUSSCAT. See Bdscati.

BUSSE, Georg, a landscape painter and engraver, was born in 1810 at Bennenmiihlen, near Hanover. He studied drawing under Giesewell,

The Old Commodore. Watt's first experiment with Steam. The First of September. The Introduction of Tobacco. The Biter Bit. The Romance. Satisfaction !